Friday, February 12, 2010

The Rundown

A lot has happened since the time I wrote my letter, sent it out and now. Here's a little peek into what has been going on.

+ Wasilla Winter Rockfest. Not a Victory event, but I knew some of the bands playing. Got a chance to help them out and really enjoy hearing some good music live again. Not as crazy as the Philly scene, but still very energetic.

+ Retreat Groups. Usually it isn't too busy around here. But with the absence of a few staff members, each of us has had to pick up some extra slack. For me, its running the espresso machine.
(TRY THIS: 3 shot, 10 oz, light irish cream syrup, with whip, latte...) still trying to name it.
Cleaning has been a norm, same with snow removal.

+ FORGET SPRING CLEANING. When spring comes, there is no time for cleaning. So we did it now. Not done, but three days gave us enough time to sort through a lot of stuff that has been packed away for years... (anyone want to buy 2 400w speakers and an old 1990 12 channel mixer?)

+ Moving. I can now sleep in a room that I don't to depend on heat from my living room. Moving to a new building gives all of us more comfort, better living quarters, and more time for us to keep quiet. Since we live above guest housing, out movies on the surround sound and intense Mario Kart racing has to be toned down. But it has an amazing view... WITH SUN LIGHT!

+ Website. New Victory site will be up tonight!!! (also, join us on facebook ... Victory Bible Camp)

+ Summer Stuffs. T-shirt design almost finalized, and curriculum in the works. Lots of creative fun.

+ Finances. This is a little more serious. With the internship I am trying to raise $7,500. As of the last support statement from the camp, I am only at $1,000 in total. $5,500 from what I need to pay off the internship. There is still 6 months left before in the internship. I'm praying about staying on, but that requires more funds for full-time support, and paying for my time in the internship. Pray that funds will be met, and that God will direct me in what to do after the internship. I'm excited to see where He will lead... either here, or elsewhere.

-Daryl J. Howard