Friday, October 14, 2011

Helpful Information

A lot of individuals have shown interest in the work that God has called me to do in Alaska. Now before contemplating closing this window because you don’t want to hear religious ranting, want to hear me asking for financial support or any other various reason you may close this, I ask that you just sit tight for a moment and just finish this introduction. It would mean a lot to me. Instead of reading a huge post, just skip to the title that you think best suits who you are. Or if you want to be adventurous, you can read them all. Sound fair enough? Alright... begin. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What's On The Horizon

Here's a little peek into my life as of right now.

+ Currently I am seeking part-time/full-time employment to cover expenses as I look for insurance and to save for the future. A couple of good prospects.

+ Went on a hike in the Adirondacks with ROCC (Reaching Our Community for Christ). A beautiful area of northern New York this time of year. A group of us men went ahead to set up camp, and spent a great time cooking and sharing fellowship over lots of great food. Our day started before any sign of dawn, and the rain soon followed as we packed up camp. The 1.9 mile treck up Blue Mountain was mostly spent in the rain. The view at the top was a whopping 25 yards of standing in a very windy cloud. Still, it was sweet. The teens made it to the top in about an hour. I clocked myself at 1hr 33mins. Even with all the dreary weather, many stories will be told of this trip. It was an amazing time to share the gospel and testimonies with the teens.

+ Looking to get into churches and share the mission that God has laid upon my heart. Also willing to sit down over coffee or a meal and chat too. Just waiting on word on how much I need to raise and official job, but that won't stop me from encouraging people to pray for the ministry ahead, and those that God will raise up to join the ministry in giving support.

+ Away from this blog I am slowly working on a "press kit" for myself. It is my way of passing information onto a church about Victory, who I am, and the ministry that God has called me to.

+ A new HM Update letter is in progress at this time. Hope to have it out soon.

Grace and Peace,