Monday, March 26, 2012

Q&A Part 3

It's Monday! How about I lighten up your day by doing another Q&A. Here goes...

What exactly will you be doing at Victory?
The main position that I will be serving in is the area of Public Relations. This area is right on the front lines of getting the word out about Victory. In this position, I will be developing and designing many of Victory’s promotional materials. That means working on brochures, newsletter, promotional videos, and many various projects. I’ll also be working in the area of social media. Social media is giving ministries a great tool to reach out to people. And Victory has seen the need of using these tools. This means using Facebook, Twitter and other various online resources to connect to the people that Victory is reaching out to and the people that we have already been serving. Victory has also asked if I can assist with website needs, as well as keeping the website updated with photos and news.
As mentioned in a previous Q&A, I’ll be consulting the summer AV Team. With six summers in the AV Team, it will help with the summer to summer changes we have with each team we have in, as well as helping them with any needs they may have as they develop summer material. They’ll also be assisting me in gathering material that I can use for promotional material after the summer as well.
One last thing about PR, is that it is not cheap. It gets expensive to keep hiring out designers and going to the printers. By developing material in-house, and then exploring the options on printing, Victory will be able to cut back on the costs that come with promoting the camp and conference center. The area of public relations is vital for any ministry or business. Victory has seen the need to expand this area. If you were to look at our brochures, you will see that many are outdated. This is also true of the website and multiple promotional videos that Victory has. I’ve been able to help with updating some of the material. But there only so much I can do during the summers, or while I am here at home.
In the previous Q&A, I mentioned that I will be doing more than just public relations. For Victory to keep running and serving people, everyone assists with the day-to-day operations of camp. It means serving guests groups, moving hay, helping with emergency maintenance needs, and of course moving snow. The list is limitless. As long as there is a need at Victory, it is going to get filled by the people serving there. This even means making espresso drinks and busing tables.

Why do you believe God is sending you?
As seen with the answer above, public relations is an area that is greatly needed at Victory. At first, Public Relations wasn’t really the area I was looking to be a part of. I had been an intern looking to join Victory’s program team. Behind the scenes work is my cup of tea. It was fun planning for events, putting them together, then running them. But when I look back at what I did the most during that internship, a lot of what I did was design work and promotional work. I can’t say that I am the best at what I do, but if you know me, you know my mind thinks differently than the average person. But back to 2010.
After the internship at Victory, I went hope wondering what I was going to do next. Due to circumstances, I wasn’t planning on returning to Victory. Most of my gear was destroyed, and I had put video and promotional work behind me. In October of that year, I was invited to a meeting with a local ministry. Without anyone knowing my background at Victory, one of the main topics surrounding the meeting was who they should get to put together a promotional video. I had slumped down in my chair, just hoping no one knew of my video work. No one did! But it was as if God was grinding His elbow into my side. I knew I should speak up. They had no clue about anything involving a video or who to ask. I wanted to get sick, not because of what was being said, but because this is what God had called me to do, and He was going to have me do it. In the end, a video was made, and I was back to working on videos.
Victory invited me back to help with behind the scene work and help run the summer AV team. With this new found work in promotions, I was fired up. This was God’s calling, and He was directing me back to Alaska. If you were to look at a certain yellow legal pad on my desk this past summer, you would have seen a list of 16+ videos that came to my mind as I prayed and talked with various people around camp. There was also a list of brochures to update, and many other promotional material that could be created. This field is still new to me. But it is my calling. As long as I seek God for directions, everything works out. This is scene through the summer staff appreciation video. My previous efforts fell flat on their faces. But when I sought God, something amazing came out of it. (You can take a look at the video HERE!)

What is your favorite part of the week during camp?
The favorite part of the week for me (while campers are around), is down to two different things. Thursday campout nights is the first. I get to do more than just be in the office. I move luggage and food to the Alpine/Wilderness Campout. If I’m lucky, I get to help cook. For some reason, I love making food for a small to medium size group. I get to give people a break and serve them from another side of camp.
The second favorite part of the week (and you will all thing I’m strange), is getting up early and delivering breakfast to Ranch Camp. I don’t remember how long I’ve done this. But I get up, gather up breakfast and anything they will need to serve and consume the food. After sealing it all up, I put it in the back of an old chevy pick-up, and drive it on up to Ranch Camp. I love serving the staff and the campers there. I get to stand by and eat breakfast with them. Then talk to see how I can be encouraging or praying for them. It’s so simple, but so much fun. 
Ok, maybe there is another favorite part. ... There are too many. AHHH!
Alright, I’ll only mention one more. When we are in the office late at night, one of many things can happen. Most of the time, it is our cram and get creative time. AV Team shines late at night. But also, it is a great time of talking and encouraging. Many conversations over life, work, and struggles have come up. But also, there have been many unexpected moments that happen that just brighten up a day. Imagine. Your day has been one that makes you want to scream, then some co-workers come in and do THIS. You can’t help but laugh. That, or you find NINJA FRUIT! And the ever prevalent stickie-notes with encouraging messages on them.

Well, look at that. Another Q&A has come and gone. Hope you enjoyed it. Don't worry, there are plenty more. And if you submit questions, it will continue on even longer.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

To The Printer...

Hey Everyone,
   Ink cartridges are filled and ready to go. This weekend and into next week, I hope to put together my packets for churches. The letter looks good. Info cards are almost done. And the rest is falling into place. Pray that these letters will make an impact and doors will open, not just for me, but for Victory.


On another note, if you feel that your church or individuals in your church may be interested, feel free to send me your church address, and I'll get a packet out to them when it is finished.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Q&A Part 2

Well, I've done it again. I've answered multiple questions that you have sent in. Don't worry, there are at least two more after this one. Got any more questions, feel free to send them.

What kind of work have you been doing for VBC right now i.e. promo stuff even though you’re raising support? 
Along side support raising, I haven’t really been doing too much side work for Victory. I have been brainstorming and working on some promotional material, as well as working on a fun project for summer. Sometimes I wish there was more I could do. But I need to be focused on support raising.

What if you DID NOT got back to VBC, got a full-time job, and did promo stuff for them on the side?
The thought has come to my mind. Where Victory is located, it would be very hard to commute to the camp if I had a job in town. I’m not to keen on driving an hour one way to work. If I am to serve at Victory, it is going to be an on-site full-time position. It is something that God has called me to. And if I am there, I want my whole heart to be in it.
Along with that, when at Victory, I will not just be doing promotional work. Which leads to the next question:

Do you plan to help around Victory with more than just editing and taking promotional videos and the like?
When you are part of the team at Victory, you are more than just working area of camp. I touched on it in the promotional video I made for myself. Even though I will be working with the public relations team, I will be assisting in many other areas of camp. In the past I have helped host guest groups, cook meals, wash dishes, move snow, counseled campers, attended to maintenance needs, etc. etc. etc. There is so much that is done around camp. During the summer, I will be consulting the AV Team, as well as transporting campers to and from camp. 
There is so much that is done at camp than just the work done in ones area. I’ll get into a little more about what public relations entails, and why it is more than just editing and taking promotional videos. You’ll just have to wait for another Q&A.

What is one goal you wish to accomplish this year that would be different from the last several years you've been at camp?
Sadly, this summer I will not be returning to Victory. My goal is to be up in Alaska around the time of the State Fair. Once I get back, there is so much planned. The biggest goal, would be to start getting videos and brochures made. I also want to show the impact people supporting the camp are making. This would mean posting images and videos on projects that have been going on around camp. Many people don’t know we had the airstrip worked on this past summer. We also had the foundation of Ranch Lodge worked on another summer. If people saw all that was going, small projects that they have helped fund through donations, sending work teams, or praying; they would feel more of a part of the ministry. The other goal I would love to accomplish, is helping people understand our conference season. Many people I talk to at the fair did’t know about our conference season. It’s a huge opportunity that we are missing.

What is your favorite campfire meal?
*I contacted the individual sending this question, and it is completely open ended.
At Victory, there is only two real meals over a campfire. With those two meals is one overall question, which camp makes the best burger. There has been a great debate over this question: “Hick’s Creek Burger v. The Alpine Burger.” This debate can go on for a long time. Kind of like who would win in a fight between a bear and a shark. You can look at the seasonings people put on the burger. What cooking set-up they use. What toppings one puts on their burger. There is a lot of factors that you can look at to determine which is the best burger at a campfire cookout. But there is something bigger than that. The bigger question is, who makes the burger? If I had to pick which burger is the best, I would have to say, the one Aaron Meeuwsen makes. Period.
If it wasn’t a burger I had to choose, I have to say that the strawberry rhubarb concoction that I had this past summer was sweet. Eat it out of cup with whip-cream, put it on pancakes, or slap in a hobo pie. It was so simple, yet delicious. Props to Darvi on that one.
Overall, my favorite meal(s) over a campfire, have to be anything that Hopson Gowin made over the campfires on Boy Scout outings. Stone soup using stones from the Louisiana coast. Cajun deep-fried chicken. Keg chicken. Venison steaks. Cobbler (sorry, it beats Victory’s... I put it in the perspective of “my mom’s cooking is better than any other mom’s cooking”). Anything that man directed us to make over a fire or charcoal was by far the best ever. Then put a side of fresh field pick sweetcorn with it on Thursday cool outs. AMAZING!

Why do people think you should make coffee... that it is your spiritual gift? 
(Video that person is making reference to... HERE)
I will answer this question with a question: Have you tasted my coffee?
For those that have tried a cup or were racking up a tab with me know I make a mean cup of french pressed coffee (if you are ever at camp when I’m around, 3pm). I also whip up some espresso drinks that don’t appear on the menu, and willing to craft a espresso drink to your liking. As for a spiritual gift, I won’t say it is. But I can say that I have a palate for coffee.
A added thought here. When guest groups are in camp, helping them start their morning, or helping them warm up after being outside in the cold are great ways of making a connection. For just that short time, you can make someones day. Plus, we have seen how much a broken espresso machine can impact a conference season. 
Plus, during the summer, it can really help pick up the staff morale. I’ll discuss this at a later time. It is a tradition I feel we should carry on in future summers.

Well look at that. I've have taken up at least 5 minutes of your time that you can't get back. Hopefully it was worth it. I'm having a lot of fun answering these questions. There is so much I could post about. But I am limiting myself for the sake of you. As I said before, feel free to send questions. There is at least two more of these Q&As coming up. Again, thanks for the interest and the questions.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

PSA: Why I Won't Be At Victory This Summer

This is the situation. It is nothing bad. I am just filling in everyone to what is and has been going on. First off, support sits at a wavering 5%. What do I mean by that. There are a lot of people sending in gifts. That’s great. But what Victory is interested in, are dedicated monthly supports. Many people can’t give monthly, I understand. But even if it was $10-$20 a month, it adds up over a number of people. Until support is at 100%, I will not be returning to Victory. Not even for the summer. This was my decision. It was a hard one to make; seeing that I have put in seven summers at Victory. And since you are reading this, I want to explain more in depth of why I came to this decision.
In the fall of 2009, I went to Victory as an intern. It was a great experience. But when I returned home to raise support in December, there was much confusion. Because I had gone up to Victory for the previous five summers, people didn’t take me seriously when I put out the idea of me joining Victory full-time. They thought I was returning for just another summer. So I returned with little to no support.
Another issue that arouse then, and now, is the topic of “what is support?” Support in the way that Victory and I are trying to get across, is not a fundraiser here or there, or gifts to me. For support to go through legally and to be written off properly by IRS standards, support must be directed to Victory. Since I am working for Victory, I am raising support for Victory, not myself. The money will get to me, through a salary Victory has set. And as stated before, I can not start till the full support of $2,575 in dedicated monthly supporters is raised. This means individuals who are called to give a dedicated portion each month. It may sound a little complex. But this is the legal way in which this has to be done.
So the question you may have now is, when will I be returning to Victory. The goal is for me to return by the Alaska State Fair in September. It may sound crazy, and I am glad it does. My goal in all of this, is to point everything back to God. For any support to come in, or for me to return by September, it will be by the hand of God. The reason I am doing any of this, is to glorify God, use the gifts and talents He has given, and serve Him as He directs me. 
I hope this has been informative. If you still have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I will be more than happy to talk to you in person or over the phone. Thanks for taking time to read this, and continue to pray that God will continue to raise up supporters. Also, pray to see if Victory is a ministry that God would want you to be a part of in either prayer, volunteering or financially support.

-Daryl J. Howard

P.S.- Sorry in advance to all of you that will be returning and wishing I was at Victory this summer. I am going to miss you all. May God bless your work as you serve this summer. And remember, I'll be back. Also, Camp won't stop running if I am not there for one summer. Cheers.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Q&A Part 1

Well, it is here. It is time to post and answer questions from you! There was a lot of questions submitted. And instead of having one giant post, I will work my way through them, and post them in parts. So, here is Part 1 of many.

Why Alaska and Victory Bible Camps?
This is a question I get from people. Sadly, this will be answered at a later time. It is an interesting story that I am writing out in an extended form. After I make it through some Q&As, I’ll post it.

Is there one thing that God has really been using to call you to the mission field overall, or this ministry in particular?
Originally, it was camping. It is an amazing avenue in which to reach out to people. But as God has been expanding my gifts, God has been using my creativity and design skills for ministry work. During the fall of 2010, God threw me head first into doing promotional work. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, but it was His plan. As I did work for Victory during 2011, God kept showing me more that I could do. When I look at ministries, and even Victories advertising material, it is extremely outdated. And with modern technology and social media, there is so much that ministries can tap into. It is through seeing this need, and God’s leading that have burdened me to jump into the front lines of getting the word out about what Victory has to offer and how people can be a part of the work being done at Victory.

What's your strategy for contacting with churches? Do you have a list of churches that your marking off as you go in your county or mostly word of mouth?
Originally I was going to go off a list. But just like with applying for a job, I love showing up in person before I send or give any information to a church. Obviously I can’t do this for every church. So, I will have to resort to sending out some letters to local (and some not so local) churches asking them to pray over the idea of supporting Victory. Once my church “press kit” is done, I will be sending it out and posting it here. It is a nice resource of information. The packet will include:
   - Letter from me
   - Recommendation letter from my pastor
   - Card with a web address linking them to videos and information:
                                 - Howard Promo
                                 - Victory Promo
                                 - Victories Websites
                                 - The HM Update blog
   - Prayer Cards
   - Business Cards
   - The most recent The Howard Ministry Update letter
   - and more
In reality, the church will be supporting Victory. So it is crucial that they have access to as much information as they can have on Victory. Hopefully this will be a great resource for them. I also want them to ask me about anything. My goal is to make a connection with them, share how they can be a part of the ministry, and let them pray to see if this is a ministry that they would want to be a part of.

What happens if you don't raise enough support this year?
The whole idea of support raising is trusting in God for the means necessary to do ministry work. So whenever the support comes in, it is all in God’s timing. God has His reasons as to when I will be in Alaska. Until then, it is up to me to have faith in what God is doing and do my best to get the word out. As for not enough support coming in before the end of the year, it just means more time here in PA to serve God.

How frequently do you plan on putting out newsletters or other updates about your mission?
During my internship, I started sending out newsletters every other month. I’m going to try to stay on that trend. I like sending out newsletters, especially letters. It is very personal compared to an e-mail or blog post. So I can see those consistently coming out in the future. As for my blog, I'll post news here frequently. Unless I learn to develop my own website (which I don't see the need), or some new form of online communication comes out, I'll still be posting here as well.
If you want to get the newsletter, feel free to contact me via e-mail:

How did you decide on your cat's name? Will your cat get rights to the video? 
For those that don’t have Facebook, I posted a funny video of my cat interrupting my filming. You can find the video by clicking CAT!
The grey cat that appeared in the video is named Kitka. If anyone has seen Breakfast At Tiffanys, Audrey Hepburn’s cat is named Cat. My sister really loves Audrey Hepburn films, and wanted to name the cat after the one in the film. Cat just didn’t fit. So instead of naming her just Cat, we named her Cat in Ukrainian. Thus, Kitka.
We also have a small crazy cat that loves to sit on my lap as I work. Her name is Mazy. She also appears a lot on Facebook. Then there is our stray rescue named Max.
As for rights... no. I think Kitka will be just fine having a can of cat treat occasionally. 

What is your opinion on the great white leech? 
My position on this camp legend is, it must be some sort of junk floating under the water. The real question is, do Narwhals exist? And that would be yes. In one of the two lakes at camp? ... doubt it. 

That's it for now. Tune in next time as I will answer: "What is one goal you wish to accomplish this year that would be different from the last several years you've been at camp?"
I'll also be debating the topic of Hick's Creek Burger v. Alpine Campout Burger.
Thanks. You're Welcome.


Got any questions... send them to me. I'll be glad to answer them.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HM Update 010

Hey Everyone,
   Here is the delayed Howard Ministry Update 010. It is barely out in the mail, and the next letter is almost done! There is so much that God is doing through Victory. Continue to pray for the ministry, and the support needing to be raised before I start serving.

Look at that, The HM Update is now online! Just click HM Update 010.

Daryl J. Howard

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Update Letter to be out this week.

Hey everyone,
   It has taken some time, but I can finally say that the new update letter will be out this week! HMUpdate 010 was postponed as I took some time to be with family and meet with Victory Bible Camps Director, Joel Ruisch. After some time to pray and regather my thoughts, the letter is ready to go. Be checking you boxes by Thursday-Saturday, or your e-mail really soon.


P.S.- Church letters are almost done. Think your church would be interested in supporting Victory, or hearing of my burden for serving at Victory? Send me an e-mail or letter with your churches address, and I'll get some information to them.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Quick Note...

There is only a few minutes before I must gather my things and head out the door to an after-school discipleship class hosted by ROCC. Before I run out the door, I thought I would put together a quick note on where I am at with my letter and update writing.

The letter that I plan on sending out to churches is making it's way through the works. There is a lot of prayer on what is going to be presented in the letter. I do not take writing this letter lightly, and I want God to be leading me in this letter.

Second, the Howard Ministry Update 010 is hitting a snag. As what I had written isn't settling like I hoped. This is also another project that takes a lot of prayer. It should be finished shortly, and sent out to supports in due time. 

Well, I better get on my way. Tonight is also our ROCC board meeting. Be praying as I probably will be sharing my thoughts on a new promotional video that they have asked me to work on. Take care.

Grace and Peace,
Daryl J. Howard