Tuesday, December 25, 2012

From Daryl @ The HM Update,


Khrystos narodyvsya/Христос народився! 
(Christ is born!)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The HM Update Edition #014 Out Soon!

Printer is working and fired up. Had some issues with running out of ink and then getting the printer to work. But all issues aside now, the #014 edition of The HM Update will be out before I leave this Saturday. If you have any interest in receiving it, feel free to message me your address or e-mail, and I'll get it to you ASAP.

- Daryl J. Howard

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Another Q&A

So I've been having some more fun conversations with people that include a lot of new questions. With my travels to Georgia ahead of me, I've decided to do another Q&A. Feel free to post them in the comment section or by e-mailing, Facebook, etc. They can be about the ministry, what I'll be doing at Victory, what I have been doing in PA, life, activities, etc. Be creative, have fun. Question away.

- Daryl

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Little Bits of Encouragement

Lately, God has been showering me with a plethora ("Hefe, do you even know what a plethora is?") of verses pertaining to the path He has set me on. What is even scarier is that my fortune cookies from my last few visits to my frequented Chinese restaurant say the same. For example:

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7 NLT
I fear calling strangers. So when my plans started to shift and I had to try a new approach of making connections, this was a huge encouragement.

"What are you waiting for? Start moving now." Fortune Cookie
The fortune cookie didn't make it any easier.

"What you will do matters. All you need is to do it." Fortune Cookie
If this wasn't a push, I don't know what was.

"Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NLT
To go with the first part, there has been a lot of discouragement. But it is reassuring to know that God tells us not to be discouraged. Here Joshua is getting reassured by God that the path into the promised land is laid out for them. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, God tells Joshua "Don't be afraid or discouraged." I would probably need to hear this too if I had to invade a strange land that was full of mighty nations. Then again, God did the heavy work, they just needed to follow and know His palns would work.

"You can make many plans, but the LORD’s purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21 NLT
Exactly. Have some faith in God's plans.

"Smile if you like this fortune cookie." Fortune Cookie
Ok, so I threw that last one in there just for the sake of the chuckles we got reading it. But in all seriousness, God has been sharing a lot with me. It is extremely encouraging, and it builds up my faith in His plan. God can be sharing something to you too. It can be as simple as a verse in your devotions, a radio message, a song, and yes... even a fortune cookie.

- Daryl J. Howard

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A lil November Update

It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving has passed and that Christmas is right around the corner. Looking at the date of my last post, it’s even harder to believe that it has been almost a month since my last posting. November has been full of small trips, get-togethers with family, and making new connections.

Early in the month, Warren Center Baptist Church (my home church) decided to start up a youth group. With my experience of working with youth at Victory and helping with the local youth ministry (ROCC), I was asked to help out with the group. The group is still small; and being teens, their minds aren’t always fixed on the task set for them. But they are learning and growing. When it seems like they aren’t listening, they will rattle off the answer to you. Reminds me of when I was a teen.

During the last month, a few trips have been made down to visit my grandmother in Lehighton PA. The latest trip revolved around our family getting together with her for Thanksgiving. Besides getting a meal ready, keeping ourselves entertained and texting  holiday greetings to relatives, my grandmother and I talked about the trip we are taking to Georgia for Christmas (I forgot how close that trip was).

Support raising for Victory still continues to be slow. Very little response has been seen through the contacts I have been trying to make. Continue to pray that God opens doors, and directs me as to where to share my burden and offer individuals a chance to join Victory financially, through prayer, or by serving.
I do plan on sending out another batch of letters and making many calls before I head down to Georgia on December 17th. If you want me to make contact with your church, feel free to get me some information so I can get in touch with them.

- Daryl J. Howard

Be on the look out. Hope to post some fun things during the next month. Also hope to do a little Victory update, post some more film, and share some more of what God is teaching me.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Brief Update

Last September I flew back into the area just after the Northeast got hammered by high winds and flooding. So naturally everyone braced for the worse. Other than a few bits of downed branches, you would not be able to tell that a hurricane passed through the area. Praise God nothing sever happened at the Howard household. Even though my hilltop wasn't hit as bad, be thinking and praying for those hit hard by this storm.

On the support front, I have been making new contacts with local churches. Instead of just sending letters out, I've been handing them out in person. It is a very time consuming process, but it creates a more genuine connection than just receiving a letter from a missionary. I won't be able to get to everyone (since my basic list of churches is over 60 churches long). So, the process of creating packets and sending them out continues as well.

Continue to pray that God stir the hearts of those receiving the letters. Many people show interest in the work God is doing through Victory. And even though I personally am not seeing the results in the support end of things, I know it is planting seeds in the hearts of those I am sharing the ministry of Victory with.

Other than support raising, there are some fun plans in the future. For the first time since I was in 4th grade (about 16 years ago), I will be venturing down to Georgia for Christmas! My Grandma wants to be with family for Christmas, and since I have an open schedule, I will be accompanying her as she travels to be with family. Last year some speaking engagements hindered me from driving down. But this year, things worked out for me to venture down. I feel like a kid getting reading for Disney World or something. It's still over a month away, and I am anxious. This will be a great time of catching up, celebrating Christmas, and taking some time to get away and reflect on the support raising process.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Adirondacks Trip

For those that come here or check Facebook for info would have seen a little post about the latest newsletter coming out after a trip to the Adirondacks. Many of you know that I had been helping out with ROCC (Reaching Our Community for Christ) over the last few years. Though I am trying to make sure I am focused on support raising, I had some teens ask me if I could go along on this mens/young mens hiking trip with ROCC. So I decided to make an effort to go.

On Sunday the 7th, our group headed out for Blue Mountain Lake, NY. After setting up camp at Lake Durant, and get geared up, our group (minus the cooks) went to hike Chimney Mountain. This hour or so hike gave a spectacular view with amazing rock formations to explore. The drive there and back, as well as the hike, gave an opportunity to talk and encourage the teens that were in my little hiking group.
The view from Chimney Mountain
Back at the campsite, we were greeted by our cooks, deep fried turkeys and rain. Sadly, due to hungry teens, some of us leaders resorted to cleaning off what was left on the bones.. But the earlier hike did as it was supposed to do. My camping site was asleep early, and I was in my sleeping bag by 9:30pm.
Chimney Mountain (Blue Mountain on the horizon)
Monday was just as amazing as the day before. After an early breakfast, we were off on the trail and hiking. The year before, it rained for most of the hike. This made the hiking slick and long (2hrs and some odd minutes). This year was a brisk and clear fall day. Mid way up Blue Mountain, our group was greeted by snow topped trees. The warm sun was causing the snow to drip or drop on us. The young men that hiked with me enjoyed some fun conversations about life, sports, and the creation that God had set around us.
Trees topped with snow
After an hour and twenty five minutes of hiking, we reached the top. Snow ball fights, a climb up an old fire town, grabbing a quick snack and spectacular views kept our group busy as we waited for everyone to make it to the top. Unlike last year, we were able to sit down and have an amazing devotional with a time of praying with the youth. Being able to do this in a public place allowed complete strangers to listen in as we shared the gospel and encouraged the teens in with their spiritual growth. The trip down was a little rough on a few. And the trip home was smooth.
View from on top the Blue Mountain fire tower

There were a few close calls during the hikes where I slightly twisted an ankle or slipped on a wet rock. But nothing serious. It was during unloading after the trip that I had my injury (tearing muscles and pulling tendons in my ankle)... leaving me with a very swollen and hematoma covered foot/ankle.

These outings are a lot of fun. You can't help but be awestruck by the creation that God has placed around us. It is also an amazing time to encourage the youth that accompanied us adults, as well as spiritually building up the other leaders that were on the trip. Makes me miss the time spent with staff and campers in Alaska.
After a quick break, this guy is ready to head down
Until next time...

Grace and Peace,
Daryl J. Howard

 "For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. 
Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God."
Romans 1:20 NLT

HMUpdate 013 Mailing News

Working out some kinks in my system. Since replacing wiping my previous hard drive, then replacing it with a new one, some information with newsletter, photos and addresses went missing. Luckily, a previous back-up had the updated files that went missing. Some of the update letters that were mailed out might be slightly delayed as I had to double check the mailing list I had.
Thank you for your interest and support. Hope to add some more posts soon.

- Daryl

P.S.- If you are not on the mailing list (e-mail or physical newsletter), and wish to receive it personally in the future, please contact me so you can be added to the list.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The HM Update Newsletter 013

Hey everyone, here is the newest update that recently hit the inboxes and mailboxes. If you are on the mailing list, be on the lookout. If not, click to view and sign yourself up to receive the update each time it comes out.

The HM Update 013
(click to view or download)

- Daryl

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fair Booth Displays

As promised, here are the panels that Jonathan Flamm and I worked on during the three weeks before the fair. There were a lot of hours spent over coffee and in front of our computers trying to hammer out the wording, pictures, layout, and message that we felt God was having us present. People walking by our office thought we were goofing off, but as it goes in the design work, you have to keep your mind clear to do this kind of work. The occasional finger dart war, laugh over something silly and multiple cups of coffee consumed all helped in clearing our minds, keeping ourselves refreshed... but it was the disagreements, our meetings, time spent walking away from the project to get alone with God, or a quick walk to be surrounded by God's creation that really helped me a lot.

I love how much Jon and I are not alike. We both think differently. I'm the creative, he's the architect. We both bring different view points to the table. But in the end, I was very pleased on how this all came out. The display panels were well received by the staff and the many individuals that came into our booth.

As you see, each panel highlights different aspects of Victory Bible Camps and Conference Center. At the bottom of each panel, there are some descriptions of different buildings, camps, facilities and all that Victory has to offer. There are also areas that point out how you can be a part of Victory as well.


Our goal is to connect people of all ages to God through Christian camping and conference retreats. We hoped our work and how we presented ourselves at the fair reflected this. The Alaska State Fair was also a chance to take our mission further by re-connecting people to Victory. We were able to show them how much we have grown, how our ministry is changing, how they can be a part of God's work their, and how Victory can serve them. God is doing amazing works through Victory Bible Camps and Conference Center. I hope you can see that reflected through these display boards.

Feel free to click on each panel to zoom and look at each panel. These panels were originally 20"x30" prints done in high resolution.


- Daryl J. Howard

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Alaska State Fair Update

Thank you everyone for your prayers and support during my time in Alaska. It’s taken some time to actually process what I did and how to share it. The trip wasn’t like any others in the past. It’s not due to the duration of time spent in Alaska or the task that was fulfilled. This past trip was a time of being guided and redirected by God in a way that reflects His purpose for the here-and-now, and what is to come. 

My humble home while I was at Victory (Blueberry Cabin)
In May I was contacted by Joel Ruisch (Victory’s Camp Director) as to if I had interest in coming up and helping run the fair booth. It wasn’t long before a ticket was purchased, and I was surrounded by mountains on a cold Alaskan day (it was abnormally cold that day). 

The time spent in Alaska can be broken into three parts. 
There was the preliminary work; working the fair; then the clean up. 
The preliminary work took up the first three weeks. This included creating and producing the material that went into the fair booth, as well as getting the booth designed and moving our trailer-like booth into place. The fair itself ran for twelve days; starting on a Thursday and ending on Labor Day. Clean up only took a day to actually go in to the fair and dismantle the inside on the booth. Then it was waiting for the ok to move our booth into storage.

Victory's state fair booth
The whole point of Victory’s fair booth is to connect with people, and eventually build relationships with them, so we can either help them grow closer in their relationship with Christ or start one if they haven’t already. In the past, we did this by running puppet shows and putting out information about our camp. Last year, I wanted to try something different. I put up a second display board, and displayed pictures and information about our conference center on part of it. Though our booth drew in our normal campers, it was amazing to hear how many people say,
“Wait, you guys are open year round”
“You guys have all of that up there”
“Since when did you have a conference center”
Obviously, word isn’t getting out that we did more than just summer camp. So when the opportunity came to work on the booth again, it was agreed between the leadership, and my team working on the booth, that conference center would be the focus.

The biggest draw to our booth was from one picture. On our one door was a 20”x30” poster of Miracle Lodge. Now if you had been to Victory before, but not in the last ten years or so, you would not have seen this building. So for anyone that had been to Victory before, this drew them in. From there, we would show them what was new, what God was doing in the ministry, what Victory is doing now, find out why they haven’t been back, see where their relationship with Christ is, and offer an open door to them. It’s amazing the conversations we had. There were the lulls that made time stand still. But there were the days that time flew by, and you wished that the conversations would never end. It was great making connections with people, no matter where they stood in their faith or beliefs.

Part of one of our display boards
Some of the brochures we created for the booth
The view from on top our booth
Steven Matlock reading the fair newsletter
Aside from the fair came other tasks. My arrival at Victory came at the time that when the ministry transitions from summer camp, into conference season. It was a Thursday when I arrived, and by Saturday, I was driving a camper to a town two hours away. A few days later I was making espresso, running the camp rock-wall, and helping with hosting duties in the dining hall.

It’s crazy to think that a year has made me forget what guest services was like. But a year did that. It took away the mindset that we are there to serve our guests... even when it means putting down our work to assist them. I forgot this. With a time crunch to develop all the new material, my mindset was strictly on the booth. I did want to help, but only when I could afford to. This is where God had to step in... and a few co-workers/friends as well. There was a night that I had to wrestle with my reasoning, my calling, and some burdens that were on my heart. It was a time where God had to break me, and show me what He had planned, not what I had planned for myself. This is where I finally could see why God had brought me back to Victory.

SIDE NOTE: If you have never been to Alaska before, you are missing out. What I love about where Victory is situated, you can’t help but see evidences of God around you. If you are having a rough day, need to clear your head, or need to talk to God... you just need to step out the back door of the office. 

The view from Inspiration Point

An evening (night) view outside of the offices at Miracle Lodge
It’s funny how I am suppose to be facilitating the mission statement, but at the same time, becoming the same person that the mission statement of Victory is directed to.
VICTORY MISSION STATEMENT: We exist to connect people of all ages with God through the ministry of Christian camping and conference retreats.
Through serving at Victory, and helping with the camping and conference retreats, I am being connected with God. In return, He is connecting me back to what His intent is for me, then allowing me to help connect people back to Victory through the work He has gifted me to do.

Well, we have come to the end of this update. Sorry if there wasn’t a lot about what I did. Most of my time was spent sitting in the office working on designing material, sitting in our fair booth, or reconnecting with the staff around Victory. I truly miss being there. It was hard to leave, especially when God’s work was evident each and every day.

Proverbs 19:21 says “You can make many plans, but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.” (NLT) This verse meant a lot to me as I saw God working. Support has been coming in slower than I had imaged. But for God, it has been all in His timing. I can worry all I want about support and make all the plans I want... but it is through God, and His plans that His purpose and timing will prevail. It may not be the most enjoyable (like sitting here in PA), but God has a purpose for this time, just like my time in Alaska.

What I saw on my commute to and from the Alaska State Fair in Palmer Alaska

Stopped outside Sutton just to take in some of the beautiful creation

Just another beautiful day outside Miracle Lodge
Grace and Peace,
Daryl J. Howard

P.S.- I'll post the display boards we had in our booth and some of the other material at a later date.
To all of you faithfully checking back here for an update... thank you. I am sorry about the delay. My gift to you... a lengthy but condensed posting tonight! Be on the lookout!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Don't worry, I'm still alive...

No seriously. Everything is fine. Hope to have something posted before I fly out on Thursday.
Sorry for keeping you all in the dark. Thanks for waiting patiently.

- Daryl

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Alaska Trip

Made it up to Alaska safely. Just getting settled in.
God is doing amazing things here in Alaska. Can't wait to share what He is doing through Victory and the staff here.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Feeling a little warm?

I've been shooting film on some old cameras. If you want a little look beyond this nice jar of iced tea, check out my photostream. More pictures to come as I shoot more.
Flickr Photostream

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tough Times

   It's funny how something small can interrupt our normal flow of life. Today just didn't want to flow. Especially after the day I had yesterday, then my morning on top of it.
   July 4th. A day to remember our freedoms. How did the Howard family celebrate this? Just a round of mini-golf @ Chucksters (49 on the par 48... WINNER!), and lunch in the park. After filling up on lobster, BBQ chicken, mac & cheese, and other delectable foods, we headed home. It was here that we found a message from Visa saying my credit card was compromised. After some phone calls and some investigation, I found out all my cards through my credit union had been compromised. This threw me a curve ball. All my bank accounts got locked up, and away to the credit union I went this morning. I was reassured that all of it should be taken care of before August 2nd (when I depart for Alaska). But until new cards are issued and my accounts all back to what they were (broke but not totally broke), I have this cloud hanging over me. Looks like I will be trusting God more about finances as the counter ticks down to the trip.
   Since all of this (and some technical issues I am facing), I can't seem to get back going into the swing I was in just before all of this happened. Just before, I had been cranking through some pre-state fair work for Victory's booth (and future advertising). Be praying for this issue with funds and for God's wisdom through all of this. He has a plan in all of this. It's time for me to learn something. I'm just not sure what.

- Daryl

p.s.- Pictures of our 4th of July celebration will be posted once my roll of film is finished and developed. Yes, my roll of film. I've been kicking it old school. Love it.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The HM Update Newsletter 012

Hey Everyone,
   Here is the latest update letter about the ministry work I am doing, as well as future opportunities. 
HM Update 012
(click to read or download)
   The next time you will hear from me will be from my month stint in Alaska this August!

Grace and Peace,
- Daryl J. Howard

For more news and update, please check back here, as well as victorymin.org
Also check out Victory Bible Camp and Conference Center on Facebook

Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Friendly Update

The HM Update edition 012 will be out next week. Also, I'll be posting some more information here as well.
Continue to pray for opens doors, and for me to seek God's leading in the coming months.

Monday, June 25, 2012

THE HM UPDATE blog edition

Wow, I'm so excited about what the future holds. God is doing amazing works through Victory and it's supporters. The next letter is coming out soon, but I felt I should share this ASAP.

(This is going to be in the next newsletter)

     Well, it is official. From August 2nd - September 6th I'll be serving short-term at Victory Bible Camps & Conference Center. This was definitely an open door from God. After posting here and asking some individuals to pray with me, support started to come in. With support coming in, I started to get serious about looking at tickets. It was unnerving to see low prices ranging from $771-$940. Even with the support that was coming in, I had to lock in a ticket before the prices started going up. Times started to get desperate, and I was starting to doubt if this trip was going to happen. If you were to look on my Facebook wall on June 20th, you would have seen a post asking for prayer and a small miracle. Doubt about the trip had set in. Then God decided to show me that doubting is not an option when it comes to His work. When I checked the mail, there was a check with a gift, as well as a statement from Victory showing where my support sat at. I felt so silly doubting God on His plans and provision. But He wasn't done. On Thursday of last week, a ticket popped up on my search. It was only $691! Much cheaper than any other ticket that I had found. Everything else sat at $790 or higher. After a quick call to Victory, the ticket was purchased.
     So far most of the ticket is paid for. A little loan from my parents helped me lock in the ticket. Also, Victory is allowing me to use some of the support that has come in to help with the ticket as well. But there are still a few expenses that need to be taken care of before I leave. If you feel the Lord is leading you to give, why not. It doesn't take a dedicated monthly gift. So for those that can't do monthly can join for just this one-time trip if you feel led. If you have any interest, just e-mail me at hmupdate@gmail.com.

    This trip is going to be holding many opportunities. The main reason for this trip will be to work and run the state fair booth. But there is so much more that I would able to do when serving for a month. 

1. Successfully run the state fair booth
2. Connect people to the ministry of Victory and share God's love to them
3. Develop new promotional material for the camp
4. Develop and work on material for staff raising support
5. Make connections with churches in Alaska (maybe share at one or two)

     This trip is going to be amazing. Just the thought of going has re-energized me. It makes me want to push harder to get to Victory full-time. Pray that I'll be open to God's leading on the work that will be done, as well as seeking His direction on how to promote the camp. 

There will be more information on this trip soon, as well as some other postings soon.


- Daryl J. Howard

Monday, June 18, 2012

A little update

Just to give you a heads up. I'm proofing my next update letter, as well as putting together some info on how support raising is going.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

POST 100

   100 doesn't seem like much when it comes to some blogs that post everyday, or multiple posts in a day. But for someone in ministry like me, its a fairly big achievement. So, for this semi-momentous occasion I will be sharing some new material I have been working on, as well as sharing what is in the future for me, and more. Here goes.

   When it comes to doing a presentation at a church or with a small group, there is a lot of preparation that goes into putting it on. The hardest part for me is trying to figure out what to say or what not to say. It is a challenge each time. But one other challenging area for me, is presenting material about the camp. The brochures are a little outdated, and there wasn't much to go off of. What is great, is this area of presenting is the area that I will be working in when it comes to serving at the camp in the future. So when I do a presentation at a church, I can point to my table in the back and give them a visual example to what I have been and will be doing at Victory in the future. The latest addition to my display table is my new display boards. I'm proud of these boards. It took about two days to design, and about $12 to make! These bad boys replaced what looked like a flannel-graph that should be used for Bible stories.

   The boards are 12"x16". So they fit right into a carry-on suitcase. Perfect for travelling. They get the point across as to what we (Victory) are about, what we do, and presents a little look at the facilities that we have. There is so much that Victory does, but so little space. The next time I am at church, I'll set up my table again and take a picture of the whole set-up. That way you can see the banner I put together, the set-up I have and how I get the word out about Victory.
   If you can, be praying for wisdom in how to share my burden and the work God is doing through Victory. Also be praying for God to work in the hearts of the people hearing of the ministry, and also the churches that are receiving my letters.
   Thanks be to God for the open doors I am receiving. It seems 1 out of every 5 letters is an open door.

   The big question people ask is, "where are you at in support?" Support sits at 9.9% of monthly $2,575 (as of May 21st). Why so small you may ask. Well, I want to look at it another way. For me... I am excited to see it where it is. It has been a rough start. But God is doing a great work.
   Yes, $255 monthly may seem small. But it is mostly made up of individuals that can give what they can, even if it is only $10 a month. It doesn't take much to support. Even $5 helps.
   Continue to pray that stir up people's hearts to join in support Victory and their staff financially. 9.9% for me is a start. 

   There is something that has come up that has been in prayer and consideration for the last few weeks. Each year, Victory goes to the Alaska State Fair, and sets up a booth. Last year it was my duty to design the set-up and to run the booth. It was a difficult task, but also a lot of fun. With Victory short of staff right now, there is no one to take care of the booth. This is where I come in. Joel, Victory's Camp Director, asked if I could return to Victory for about a months time in order to help prepare for the fair and run the booth. It would be from August 8th - September 5th. Right now it looks like the trip would cost around $771-$820. Some of that is already paid for. So I'm reaching out to those that say "Hey, I can't support monthly". Here's a chance for you to help out temporarily. It's a one time situation that would take me away from support raising, but also help the camp get their footing in the area of promotions. It will also allow me to help create some new promotional material for the camp and the other future Victory staff members raising support!
   If you have any questions or want to help, feel free to contact me. (hmupdate@gmail.com)

For Barry, Joey & Jennifer, the bearded singles, my mom, and others asking... yes, I am still single. (It's an ongoing topic and joke)

   Honestly, there has been not a lot going on. May saw me traveling to Poughkeepsie, NY to move furniture, going down to Philadelphia, PA to see my sister become a doctor, and the beginning of June has been crazy with everyone in my family moving back home before they disperse out to their next endeavors (even me). Other than that, my days have been spent getting the word about Victory, and trying to raise support. If I am experiencing writers block, you can find me in the backyard losing golfballs. Or, if I really want to clear my mind, my siblings and I usually find something to do, or I go to a coffee shop. 
   Another ministry that I have been helping out with, is a local ministry named ROCC (Reaching Our Community for Christ). Right now I am helping get the word out about them by using the modern tools of blogging and Facebook. It is hard for me to step out and help them. But it is also helping me get ready with the work I'll be doing at Victory. I'm also working on a new promotional video for them. This will be a fun project in the end. 
   Also, you could have found me bowling on my birthday. Mini-golf was postponed due to rain. But it was a lot of fun just to get out and spend some time with my brother and sister. If you know me, I like to keep my b-day quiet. It was good to change it up (by not being at camp), and to just be home for once. It felt weird (and I don't mean the getting older part).

   To close, I want to thank all of you who have been behind me along this journey. Its very humbling and encouraging to see people not only praying for the work being done at Victory, but also financially backing. I can't thank you all enough. For those that financially can't support, I thank you for showing interest and reading this. Every bit of encouragement and prayer helps. Thank you.

Grace & Peace,
- Daryl J. Howard

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day & Thank You's

   I hope you all had a great Memorial Day. It's great to remember those that died to protect the freedoms that we have here in America. When looking at the world around us, it seems that us in the US forget all the freedoms that we have here in America. And with the freedoms that we have come great responsibilities and sacrifice. It is the same with our Christian walk. We have so many freedoms in Christ. But there is a great responsibility and sacrifice that comes with following Christ. It isn't easy, but the reward is great.

   This weekend I was given a chance to go share at Braintrim Baptist in Laceyville, PA. I want to thank them for their hospitality and being so welcoming to me. The presentation is still rough on the edges. But with each opportunity that God gives, comes a better understanding on how to present the work that God is doing through Victory and the work God is calling me to do there. It is also great to see God put people into my life that are not afraid to point out what I need to change in my presentation. I love getting critiqued or hearing positive criticism, because I will know it will help improve my work. And did I get a lot of input. The thirty-eight minute drive home was me practicing my annunciation and speed. Now it is on to listening to my speaking, and revising it.

   Don't forget, if you want me to share in your church, feel free to contact me, or pass my information on to your pastor/mission board. Even if you are just curious about the work being done at Victory, feel free to contact me. That is how this last opportunity happened.

   Also, I have an opportunity coming up that I am praying about. I will get the information out to you as soon as I can.

- Daryl J. Howard

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Upcoming Event

For those wanting to hear about the ministry of Victory Bible Camps & Conference Center in Alaska and the work I'll be doing there, I'll be sharing at Braintrim Baptist Church in Laceyville, PA on May 27th at 7pm.

For more information on the church or directions o how to get there, please visit: www.braintrimbaptistchurch.org

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thank You's

The last seven days have held great opportunities to share the burden God has laid on my heart, and the work God is doing through Victory.

On Monday the Herrickville Wesleyan Church invited me to speak with their mission board. It was a great time of sharing the ministry of Victory with them. They have been supportive of the work being done with ROCC, and I have had many occasions to share the ministry of Victory with individuals of the church as well. Its these kinds of meetings that get me excited about the work being done at Victory, and being a part of the ministry in the future.

As reported in the last update letter, technical difficulties are plaguing all the technical gear I have. Today was an example of that. Orwell Bible Church invited me to share during their Sunday school time. Everything seemed to be great, until computer and projector wouldn't sync. Luckily, Plan B was in my bag. The iPad connected flawlessly, but the presentation didn't seem to work. It threw off my concentration, and every thing I said seemed to come out like gibberish. It was frustrating. But God still used it.

Thanks to these two churches for giving me opportunities to share. I can't wait for more doors to open, and to see God start to work in the hearts of those I am sharing with.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Up Coming Oppotunities

Here's an invitation for all of you.
On May 6th I will be sharing during Sunday school at Orwell Bible Church.
Church starts at 9:30am, with Sunday school following at 10:50am.
Come join in worshipping, learning, as well as hearing what God is doing through Victory and how you can be a part.
For more information on times and directions, visit Orwell Bible Churches website

Be praying as I will also be sharing with the mission board of Herickville Wesleyan this Monday!
- Daryl

Want me to share the ministry of Victory Bible Camps & Conference Center of Alaska with your church, sunday school, or small group. Feel free to contact me at hmupdate@gmail.com or darylh@vbcalaska.org.

Monday, April 23, 2012

HM Update 011

It's a snowy morning here in PA. An interesting turn of events since we were in the 70's-80's last week. In another turn of events, here is the latest Howard Ministry Update! This edition: brief look into Conference Season & where support stands at.
Check it out & download it. The HM Update 011

- Daryl

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Post# 001

Well, I just hit "command & p" to test print my newsletter. I prefer checking grammer and spelling in physical form than reading it on the computer. If technology works, HM Update 011 will be out in the mail and in inboxes by Monday at the latest.

If you sent an e-mail recently, I will be replying to those shortly. There are a lot of good questions in them, and understandably I don't like rushing in and answering them half-heartedly.

Also, thanks to all those that submitted questions for the Q&As. They were a lot of fun. The next project that I am working on is my "Why Alaska" post. It got too long, so I am weeding out the un-needed facts. The project started to look like an autobiography on my time leading up to Alaska.

Finally, check out Victory Ministries, Victory Bible Camp & Conference Center and Camp Li-Wa websites. All of them have been redesigned and refined. Take some time to look over the ministries mission as well. God is leading Victory into some exciting times. I can not wait to be serving Victory in Alaska, instead of helping from afar.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Q&A Part 6

Hello everyone! What an amazing Monday. Here in PA it is in the high 70's with a great breeze coming in the window that I am sitting next to. With this day comes another Q&A. This is the last one for the time being. I hope you have enjoyed them so far. This one takes a look into what keeps bringing me back to Victory, and some other fun questions. So here we go...

What keeps you coming back to serve another term at Victory?
It is finally hitting me that I won’t be returning to Victory this summer. But what kept me coming back for the seven summers that I have spent at Victory? It has to be servicing others and watching the impact Victory is making on people. But I want to take summer out of the picture and focus on the ministry as a whole.
Before summer really gets going, there is a time that is called “Outdoor Ed.” Schools bring their groups in and use the facility to teach the students about the outdoors. This is an amazing time to serve. I always came early to camp to help setup. And because of that, I always got put on rock-wall and dish duty. You may think, “uh, dishes. why come early to camp to do that?” Hahaha. I am not sure. I love being able to interact with the kids that come to camp, and show them another side of camp. Plus, the kids I know introduce their friends. This opens the door to encourage and interact with their friends, and to open the door for them to want to return for a week or two during the summer.
But for the summer, I love being able to pour myself out to the kids. To reach out, not in a “YOU SHALL DO THIS” way, but in a caring way. We care about them and what they are going through. I may not be directly working with the campers every hour of the day. But with what little interaction I have, I hope to show them the love of Christ through how I live. This is also true of the school groups that come in. I want to be able to reflect the love of Christ through my daily tasks and instructions that I do with them.
Then there are the staff. I guess it started in college. As I worked with guys a few years younger than me, and the freshman coming into college, I wanted to help them through the daily struggles that I faced when I first entered college. I may have been the RA, but I still wanted to be the guy they could go to for advice or to help keep them accountable. This is true about camp. I may have been a director, but I loved to sit over coffee and just talk. To actually listen and show I care about what they are struggling with and to pour myself, and Christ, into them. It may be just a quick “hey...,” or even stepping aside to pray. Sometimes I don’t get to do this. And other times I get caught up in my own issues to reach out. But when I can reach out, I love doing it. I believe that is what keeps bringing me back. That and seeing people I have worked with as campers working beside me on staff. Seeing how God has continued to use me to reach out.

What is your biggest struggle that you are facing as you are raising support?
There are a few factors holding back support from coming in. The biggest struggle is satan trying to take me out. With various issues that arise (whether technical, death in the family, etc.), satan tries to use them to put me in a rut. This happened. I’m just starting to gain momentum again. But there are a lot of small things that get in the way. I can’t go into detail on all of them, but there are a lot. The greatest thing anyone can do is pray for me. Satan is always trying to pull me down. Every day is a trial in making sure I am keeping on task. Now that I know my weak points, God has been showing how to fix them and keep myself from getting caught in a rut again.

If you are not going to be at Victory this summer, what plans do you have for this summer?
Summer is right around the corner. But so is the fall. I’m not sure how fast support will come in, but I am shooting for returning by the Alaska State Fair in September. Victory really needs help with that. It would be really cool to be able to return for that, and start to get settled in with the conference season.
As for the summer. I don’t have really any special plans. For entertainment, go to a few B-Mets games (Binghamton Mets = farm team for the NY Mets). Plus visit my grandmother a few times. But most of all, I want to really dig into support raising. It would be really cool to see doors open up, not just in this area, but in other areas outside of where I live open up for me to share. All of this, and survive the summer here in PA. I’ve spent seven summers in Alaska. Not sure how I am going to handle the heat.

Is there any advice you would give anyone when it comes to summer camping ministry?
Never say you won’t do anything, because sometimes God will make you do it. I tried quitting videography... He put me back in it. Be open to what God will do. You may not want to do things at first, but God will use them to open doors and help you grow. I mentioned it in another Q&A. I was assigned to go work at Ranch camp as a counselor. It wasn’t on my agenda. But it was on God’s agenda. You never know what He is going to do through you. Also... (this is one from a behind the scenes perspective) remember, you are there for the campers. You will have time on the weekends or breaks to be with the other staff. Pour yourselves out to the campers. If you don’t, you are short-changing the campers, and most of all, yourself! There is so much you can do for the campers. But when you only focus on yourself, you will miss the opportunities that will be there to minister to the campers. 

What do you look forward to the most when you move?
The drive! I love the drive up. Not just because of the scenery. But because of the time I get to spend talking with God and enjoying His creation. I get to drive from Pennsylvania on up to Alaska. I cross rolling hills, plains, prairies, mountains, etc. It is just breath-taking. Then to be able to talk to God about what you are seeing and what you are thinking, it prepares you for the ministry time ahead. Sometimes I wish I could have a co-pilot. It would be cool to share the trip with a good friend. But I can say, the time alone with God is awesome.

Have you found anyone yet?
This questions has made for some funny comments, jokes and conversations. Its the topic of some fun harassment from friends and family. But the answer is... not yet. 
In all seriousness, these people don’t badger me just for a laugh (thou sometimes it is a good laugh). They are caring people who just want to see me happy, and have a better half that will help me in my ministry work. It is great how they are not just encouraging, but directing me in areas that I need to grow in. They have been a great support team. 

Well, there you have it. I hope these Q&As have shown you another side of the ministry work I have and will be doing, as well as a little look into my life. Continue to come back here for more updates events and news from Victory. Thanks for your continued support.


Monday, April 9, 2012


And so, it is Monday. Which means another Q&A is here! Sadly this is the second to last one. (Unless more questions come in). So, enjoy this while it lasts.

What kind of work can we expect from you in the future?
You can expect a lot from me. There probably won’t be a ton at first, as I need to get stock footage and photos first. But as of last, I had a list of 16 promotional videos. Those probably wont be done for some time. There will be a lot of other projects that you will see almost instantly. If you are there for the summer, you will see newly designed HUMAN STRATEGO cards that I had designed. Then there are some ministry cards that I just sent in. These cards have Victory’s Mission/Values/Vision on them. They will get passed out to counselors and be available for anyone to pick up at Victory.
As for when I get to Victory. The Alaska state fair booth is a big project. I have an overhaul of it that should look cool if it works out. There is also the brochures that I will be making for various retreats and promotions. Then, we have camps Facebook and the website that I will be adding media to. My biggest goal is to be showing people the many projects that are going on at camp. We had our airstrip worked on, and I don’t think many people knew about that. There is so much that is going on that our supporters and people associated with Victory don’t know about. My goal is to keep them in the loop.
Other than that, there are some other projects up my (rolled up) sleeves. I don’t have anything set in stone on them, or even if it will be possible. It would be really cool if I can get this project to work. It would be a ton of fun and keep you guys informed about whats going on, as well as giving you a good laugh.

What does a typical day look like for Daryl?
If you are talking about camp and the full-time position in public relations, I am not sure what to expect. There is one thing that is certain, and that is our morning (except staff meeting days), we meet around the fireplace in Miracle Lodge to start off our day in prayer. Other than that, my days will consist of design material for advertising and promotions, as well as updating everyone on what is going on at Victory. The occasional meeting. As well and video taping, taking pictures and posting tons of media online. There is also the tasks that come with snow during the winter, as well as helping maintain the facilities throughout the year. When guest groups are in, my days will then shift to focus on the groups that are in. That means cooking, busing tables, washing dishes, and my favorite... making coffee. I can’t leave out 3pm. That’s coffee time. Other than that, there might be the occasional trip to Fairbanks to visit Li-Wa and do a project here or there. But nothing is typical. Every day is up in the air. There are days where I walk in, and I am put on task to drive to town the next day in our weekly Costco/Sysco run. Then there is summer, which is never really scheduled out. If it is, it is in pencil. Plus weekend camper runs. Yeah. So, that is a brief and unorganized overview of a typical day for me. Each day is unique in itself. Ministry is/can be chaos. But it is how you handle the chaos and run with it that matters the most.

Are you excited to be working there for God or are there places you would rather be heading off to?
If I got a call saying that support was raised and I could leave for Alaska, I would leave ASAP. It is what I am called to do. I have looked into other ministries and camps. In the end, God keeps pointing me back to Victory.
There is a joy about serving at Victory. Even when it comes to the nitty gritty work. Everyone there is there to serve God, no matter what. During the internship at Victory, I got a chance to work various areas of camp. There were jobs we loved, and jobs we didn’t care to do again. But when you are working at the ministry, there is a sense of joy in service. What you are doing is part of glorifying God.  A sense that what I did was glorifying God, and I can be an example to those around me. This was even true of when I was working retail. I don’t really want to be anywhere but up at Victory at this time. I know it is where God is calling me.

Can you describe a gross camper story? Vomit, weird smells...
This wasn’t while I was at Victory. But during a summer at LeTourneau (NY), I heard a girl break both her wrists. That noise was awful. We were doing a backward running relay race... she tripped. You can fill in the rest.
Other than that, I don’t really have any gross stories. No vomiting, or weird smells. Sorry.
But there was the one time that there was the fire in the bathroom at Frontier Camp. Steven Cornfield and I got some minor smoke inhalation. I was puking and had trouble breathing. Weird taste in my mouth for days. (The fire extinguisher shot repellant out in a spray/cloud instead of a stream)

What is the deal with 3pm coffee?
“It is not an addiction, it is a tradition”
There are many stories and legends to how this started. But I believe this started when a particular British-American once shook his mug and declared it empty. It seems they have a tradition with tea. But he needed something stronger. And I had coffee. I brought my Starbucks 32oz french press up for the summer, and I had saved all my free bags of coffee from my job at Starbucks. In all, we had 13 pounds of coffee for that summer. We went through close to probably 16 pounds in the end. But I would brew some during the afternoon, and my friend Shutter and I would have a cup to relax for a moment, and mark what would be the push till we got done late at night. With a 32oz press, there is extra after you serve two mugs, so I offered some to our glorious British Ally... Andy. It then started to become an allotted time during the day (phone calls, radio calls, yelling calls signifying, it was 3pm). Then it became a briefing time. We talked over work, what was going on, planning projects, and much more. Plus it gave us time to go “whew”... and relax a bit. It just stuck. I think that it has faded over the years. I think the absence of our British Monarch keeping us aware of the time had made us slip up on when we brewed the coffee. It just became whenever this last summer. It might get back into swing once I’m back. We’ll see.

Well, there you have it. Q&A #5. What I will do int he future (after #6), is maybe add a question or two to the bottom of a post here, or make a post in itself. These have been fun, and I hope these have been informative. Thanks again for all your questions.


P.S.- Its 3pm somewhere in the world, go have a cup of coffee. Take a break. Contemplate what God is teaching you today.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What is on the horizon...

I decided to take a break from typing on Apple Pages, to type here. Currently my "Why Alaska" is taking form. It seems a bit long, so I'm trying to decided whether to post the abridged or the unabridged some time after the Q&As. As for the Q&As, they aren't going to last too much longer (unless more questions come in). I want to start posting more about what is going on and the work I am doing. But honestly, support raising is stalling out a little.

With me putting support raising on hold back in February, I landed myself in a rut that has been hard to get out of. The letter to churches is done. Most of it is ready to print. Also, my next support letter is almost ready to print too. I just keep letting myself get distracted by family situations and life. Plus, a lot of spiritual attacks and technological problems are hindering my work as well. As I am currently typing this, my computer is backing itself up, and backing up my back-up hard drive onto another back-up hard drive. Confusing, isn't it? It is a must, seeing my computer is turning 6 soon and needs a good wipe of everything, and I almost lost everything on my back-up the other day.

But no excuses. I must get back to the grind. If there is one thing I hate, it is saying no to people. But right now, I need to get back on focus with support raising. It is the whole reason why I am home right now. This has been a very difficult task. But it is much easier when I know that this is what God has called me to.


Monday, April 2, 2012

Q&A Part 4

Well, another Monday... Another Q&A. Enjoy.

What is your favorite time of day at camp?
My favorite time at camp has to be the early morning. It isn’t like the lower 48 with the sun rising. Instead, the sun is already up (like an early dawn, with the sun hiding behind some mountains). What makes it the best, is when it has rained overnight and there is a mist over everything. And if there is a breeze coming down the Matanuska Valley, the fog rolls through a gap in Teepee ridge, and pores onto Shallow Lake. It sometimes happens during a cool rainy day. But morning is the best. No one is really up. Moose are usually hanging out down by Shallow Lake and sometimes you get to see other wildlife there.

What is God sharing with you during this prep time before heading to AK?
God has been sharing a lot in during my time here in PA. The biggest has been God pointing out areas in my life that need some refocusing or restructuring. God has been reteaching me a lot. Its funny how someone may point you to a podcast or radio ministry, and you get encouraged through it. Lately, God has been using the ministry of “Telling The Truth” and the book “Experiencing God” to help me dig deeper into the Bible, and to really look into what it means to be a Christian and a man. It may sound funny, but there is so much that I am learning through digging into the Bible. 
The world has bombarded guys with what they say a man is. It is actually destroying our culture and future cultures to come. When looking into the Bible, it is sad to see how I have been mislead and how much growth there needs to be. Its been good. I’m glad I’ve had the time to wrestle with this and many other areas that God has been leading me. I’ve also been working on the surrendering a lot over to God. It isn’t just money, our time and jobs that I need to surrender... as we have all heard in church. But it’s my thoughts, my dreams, and everything about my being that also needs to be surrendered. It is only one verse, but there is a lot in it that I have been wrestling with...
Galatians 5:13 (ESV)
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
There is so many freedoms we have as not just Christians, but as Americans, and as human beings. But it is sad to see all that we squander our freedoms on. I love the loose “defenition” of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” How many times do we have to seek after things to make ourselves happy, only to be disappointed or depressed. This “INSANITY” is what is getting pushed on us daily. It’s something I struggle with,  and is something God is working on in me during my time here.

What is your favorite memory you've had at camp?
With this question, I am going to break it down into two answers. One will be this summer, and the other will be my overall memory.
THIS SUMMER: There was a crazy idea I came up with. Everyone (that likes coffee) likes it when I fire up the espresso machine and craft some drinks. Now, Kelly, Jaime and I thought the staff needed a little break. Plus, a lot of the staff had musical and lyrical talents. So why not showcase all of this with coffee and other various treats. With all of this came Victory Bible Camps first ever Coffee House. The event took some steam to get going. We were not sure how it was going to work. The event even got postponed. But the night before staff break, the event was a GO! We all rushed to get it all ready. The espresso machine took some time to heat up (it died a few weeks later... poor old machine. It was a dinosaur). The lobby of Miracle Lodge filled up. I got the night started with a re-enactment of Andy Kaufman’s “Might Mouse Sketch” (See the original here). The night just got better as the event went on. There were laughs, some tears, and just plain fun. You could see the tension and stress from the first half of the summer melt off the summer staff. It was a good start to a great staff break.

OVERALL MEMORY: During my first summer on the AV Team, I got recruited to go up to Ranch camp for a week or two. It wasn’t really planned. But with another staff member out with health issues, I was tapped to go fill-in the position. It wasn’t really what I had wanted to do. I was helping run the chapel services and working on the AV Team. My heart really wasn’t in the going to Ranch camp. I reluctantly moved myself out to Ranch camp and began my week. The campers were crazy. Trying every minute to pull pranks on me and being typical teen guys. A lot of patience and alone-time was needed during that week. It was a tough week. But it was the last night of camp that really showed the difference that was made. 
Now imagine, a guy with a buzzed haircut and a gnarly red beard as your counselor for camp. Kind of intimidating. (2nd from the right)
The few, the proud, the AV Team... who are we kidding?
If I wanted things to calm, I just needed to lower my voice, and the look backed up the talk. But I showed a more gentler side when I really wanted to make a point. And this is what made the difference. During the final campfire, “the worst camper” had a breakdown. Notorious for being the tough guy and the camper that no one wanted, a breakthrough was made. HE went on to say he was scared of me at first, but it was the “Teddy Bear side of me” (yes...Teddy Bear. His words, not mine) that showed him that I actually cared about his. We spent a lot of time throughout the week, and that night. I’m not sure what happened to him. Facebook and social media didn’t exist. I did give him my e-mail address. But no contact was made. A lot changed after that week. It took the tough kid that no one wanted to love to break me, and it took the tough looking guy with a “Teddy Bear” heart to break him.

What has been the ultimate prank you've ever done at camp?
Other than making a fellow AV member almost wet his pants and turning someones hot soaking bath into a vat of coffee (both awesome stories), I think the funniest ones are the classics. Like making someone think there was a prank, when there wasn’t. 
The best group one, was a kitchen raid scare. Campers used to be able to come into the kitchen for their snack, in a kitchen raid style approach. But there was always a catch. In our case, it was the AV Team waiting for them. As they came in, the lights come on... thus revealing a slew of masked people surrounding them. The best was watching a video of a camper scream, turn and scream again, then turn one more time to see someone come out of the trash can and scare them a third time. After a moment they were laughing so hard. Just priceless.
The best assist was helping the cook smuggle salted cookies into the AV room. One person was the target. The plate was 50/50 (good/salted). All but the one was told. We ate the good ones. He ate one good one, then he got a salted one. The video of it was priceless. We just broke out laughing. Just amazing.
Best solo prank... not sure if I have a “best” solo prank. Most of mine involved “The Resistance.” 

Well, there goes another Q&A sessions. There are a few more left. Dont forget, you can be a part of this too. Just send in your questions, and I will answer them. 
Also, I will be posting my "Why Alaska" answer soon. 
