Monday, September 26, 2011

New Logo?

Hey Daryl, why have a logo for your blog? Isn't that a little posh?

Glad you asked. Yes, it could be considered posh or plan showoffish in some ways. But when I am doodling with designs and trying to create work, things just happen. Like the mountain on my card for example. A lot of work, and eventually I had a mountain for my card. But why stop there. I have this cool mountain, why not use it on a logo for this very blog, just for the fun of it.

Basically, with doing design work, I have to keep expanding my creativity and work. If there is no one to work for, I work for myself. I have a long list of fake brands/logos I created for myself and the different names I have used to call my work. (Surprisingly enough, I don't have one for the one that has stuck the longest).

So, expect to see a little change here soon. Just for kicks and giggles.

Victory Promo Video (Not So Final Edit)

Here's the Victory promo I told you about. Just a little oops in there from some final touch-ups that got bumped. Enjoy.

Videos From Victory

This summer, God gave me a vision for some video projects that would help promote Victory. Unfortunately, my timing wasn't God's, and the projects were put on hold. Looking back, I can see why He did this. But He did let me have a hand in creating a few videos. The first was "Legacy". It was our staff appreciation video that was presented during our staff appreciation dinner. I had a plan, but God gave me the vision for something different. After much praying, and three days of editing, this is how it turned out.
Legacy Movie

The second video that I want to show you was another God project. Joey Legg (our IT guy ) and I were given the task to create a video that individuals raising support could play to supporters. We had a vision of what it might look like. It went through many stages of development. But it was one meeting with our staff that God showed us where to go with the project. A set of core values, mission statement and verse we given to all the staff, and Joey and I knew what needed to be done. I created a advertising campaign and assisted in some editing and final production. Joey and David Beltz did most of the editing. (I just realized the video has not been posted online... I'll post the link once I get it online)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Business/Support Cards

Last week I spent a good portion of a day just messing with Photoshop and concepts on how I wanted my lil' card to look. All these ideas flowed through my head. I talked to some friends (mostly those with design experience) and my mom about some concepts and was set on one. All seemed great. I took my own photos, got to work and spent half the day to create something so cheesy, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Then I prayed (like I always should before a project). It was at this point that God put something into my head. I went back tot he drawing boards and started sketching and writing. That night I reshot my photos (40+), sketched a mountain, and got to work. The next day no one was home... which meant a quiet house and no distractions. I cranked up the music and went to work. Later that night I sent proofs to friends, and printed a test. I was shocked at what God had directed me to make. The card was sent to the printers with anticipation. UPS's tracking was checked frequently. Then there was the watching of the mailbox. As I cut open the box today, there was this sense of fear. "What if I missed something?" "What if they printed wrong?" So much fear. Then God gave a peace before I looked at them. I was like a kid that just got a new toy. WOW! I was speechless. This was truly a project from God.

Can't wait to have these in your hands, on your fridges, in your wallets, on your desk, and/or tacked on your dart board in the near future.

Thanks to all of those that gave suggestions. Your input was greatly appreciated.

Grace and Peace,

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hot off the press... kind of.

It's taken a little time, but here is some news for you.

1.) Victory Ministries and Victory Bible Camps are hashing out what my job description and position will be at Victory Bible Camps, as well as how much support will have to be raised toward my salary.

2.) My business/ministry support cards were sent off to the press today. By next week I will have them, and will be able to distribute to those that would like them. (Tons of info on such a little card) Easy to carry, hang up, or put anywhere to remind yourself to pray for the work the God is leading me to do (I should have a contest on unique places that people put my card to remind them to pray for me).

3.) A redesigning of this blog is in the works. A new logo for my newsletters is in the works. And an actual frequent update here!

If you would like to get a hold of me, for scheduling me at your Church or to speak with me individually, feel free to contact me at With the business/ministry cards, you can pass the info onto the your Church missionary board or onto friends.

That is it for now. A little posting on what went on during the summer, plus videos and graphic design work that I have been doing will be posted soon. Stay tuned. More to come.