Friday, November 20, 2015


A lot of people have asked what's going on, and why I am doing what I am doing. First, yes, the news is true. I have left Victory. Support wasn't there, and I wasn't doing what I felt God called me to do; then my term ended. It was my goal to stick till the end of my term to be faithful to what I had signed on to do. But as time ticked down, God made it clear I was to stay in Alaska and volunteer at Church On The Rock more. It's been a weird transition. Imagine something you have done part-time and/or full-time for the last ten years, then it is gone. I can't say it is a loss of an identity. The season was more of one that God let me have to try to wrap up all my dreams and to move me into the next stage in life.

In the present, I'm currently in Wasilla Alaska. God's hand on everything is completely evident. An apartment in my price range, a job that takes care of the bills, and plenty of opportunities to serve God and reach the people of Alaska. I can't complain. I'm content with where God has me.

There have been many responses to what I'm doing. The two main ones have been: "why are you doing this, it's insane" & "wow, you jumped into this feet first, and God is proving faithful." I love the second response. God has been evident in all of this, He's provided so much in such a short time. I thought many people would get upset at my leaving Victory to stay in Alaska. But the opposite was true. Instead it has been an overwhelming positive response. When I do hear the first response, it doesn't bring me down. Instead, it gives on opportunity to share Christ and the work that He is doing.

All I know is this: God has invited me to stay in Alaska and volunteer at Church On The Rock more. I'm just being faithful and plugging into the music side for now. I'm praying about other opportunities I feel called to be a part of, but can't plug into until a better job comes along.

Last Sunday and this next, Church On The Rock is giving a glimpse into what is on the horizon. You can watch the whole service (why not join in worship), or skip ahead to the message.

COTR Live Stream Start with "Visioneering 1"

I love how Pastor Jonathan put it. "You've got to put skin in the game". That is exactly what I believe God has called me to do. He has given an invitation for me to be a part of His work here in Alaska. Do I know every step ahead. No way. But I do know there is a path, and I've decided to follow it, no matter where it leads, or how long God wants me on it. It has been a blast so far.

PLEASE, if you have questions about what I'm doing or comments, please contact me. I want to answer them. I don't want rumors going around. And if you are in Alaska on a Sunday, join us at COTR! You won't regret it.

- Daryl