Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Reviving Archives

There are times that ideas for projects come into my head, but there is no real purpose or tangible need for the resulting outcome. For example, I was asked to come up with a sticker that Victory could hand out at the Alaska State Fair. Sounded simple enough.

During the process, there were many concepts drawn up and sketched out. But in the end, the project was scrapped due to the fair having issues with stickers being stuck everywhere by fair goers. Victory and other venders were urged not to give away stickers. So... the project was shelved, and the file was deleted during a hard drive swap.

...but some sketches still remained.

Since that project, my skills in photoshop have advanced... as well as skills in Googling any task that I don't know how to do. So with the discovery of one of these sketches, I decided to finally make one of the stickers a reality... well, digitally. So here is the end result.

The finished project.

For some reason, I wanted to go with the classic circular camp patch/sticker design. With a mountain design already done for the prayer cards made up when support raising started up, the rest was easy.

To add a little age to the vintage design, the picture was put through some software to give it the look of one of those old water activated adhesive stickers put on a window (the kind I hated putting on model cars & planes).

The vintage-worn-out look.

Hopefully these will be printed out, or redone to be used at Victory. The Alaska State Fair wouldn't like to see these put allover everything. But to see these stickers emblazoned on some youth or adult's belongings (i.e. bumpers, luggage/trunks, guitar cases, Nalgene bottles, etc.)... would be priceless.

- Daryl J. Howard

Monday, April 22, 2013


One of the many displays converted to a page in the book

One of two booth-door posters

The contact page

Alright. Here is the newest edition of the Victory PDF Book. The file contains all of Victory's display boards from the Alaska State Fair last year. The quality of the file allows you to zoom in on the pictures and the text. My suggestion is to download and view on your own computer. For some reason, Google Drive doesn't like PDF files much. If you view it through Google Drive, the pictures and text do not display themselves properly. So, with that being said, here it is... enjoy!

(download here)

Second of the two booth-door posters used as a divider in the book

Friday, April 19, 2013


Well, I've done it again. I've gone & re-re-redone the Victory display boards (I don't think there are enough "re"s in redone).

After sending a sample of the displays to a potential support, she hesitantly called me back with some grammatical errors. There was no offense taken. Due to my horrible grammer and improper use of the English language, it was very welcoming to have someone point our some errors, and is so willing to help me with the material being created for Victory.

Now with the errors fixed and the pages resized to their desired printable sizes, there will be a reissue of the Victory PDF booklet.

There have been some other projects that I have been desiring to do. Hopefully as the year goes on, I will post some of the other projects here. But there is also support raising for Victory. That comes first.

- Daryl

P.S.- A big thanks to Lynn Vestel for pointing out the grammatical errors.

"Yes Brian Wilberts, there were spelling errors"

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

March Recap

It's been some time since the last posting here. The events surrounding the month of March have made it go by in a blur. Events have also put me into a "funk" that has taken some time to get out of. My thoughts are still in some knots, so hopefully the writing here will be clear enough to understand.

The beginning of the March saw my Dad going to Nepal to observe the work of Trans World Radio, as well as my Mom going off to spend time with her mother. This left me alone at home, with plenty of quiet time to seek God and learning more about support raising. With some direction from some friends and a few sources, I picked up a copy of "People Raising" by William Dillion. When I started reading, there was so much that I wanted to share with you...
but events soon distracted me.

At 6:45pm on the 18th of March, Catherine Murray (my Grandma) went to be with her Savior. The days (even weeks) leading to that day distracted me from... well, everything. I can't recall much of this month. But I can recall that God gave me a peace about it. When my mom sent a text saying that Grandma might not make it, I was driven to my knees in prayer. It wasn't a time of pleading with God for a miracle. Instead, God gave a peace as I sought His will. The time that God had allowed me to spend with my Grandma was amazing, and if He so choose to allow more, that would have been a blessing. But there was a peace when telling God that if it was time, then may it be His will. It wasn't long after some time in prayer that an answer came.

Since that day, our family has spent time healing and trying to get back to our normal lives. I've started to get back into the groove of support raising. It's been a slow process. But I've spent a great amount of time compiling photos and archiving them digitally. It's been fun digging out old photos and talking with my Aunts and Uncle about who the people in the photos are, and recalling the memories held by these images. There are the moments where we stop and get teary-eyed, or laugh over something we have recalled.

Grandma and I headed down to Georgia
Grandma & Grandpa's wedding photo

50th Anniversary
(Typical Murray gathering)

Church Portrait

Over the years God blessed me with many memories shared with my Grandparents. God also blessed me with one last trip with my Grandmother. As our family shared stories and memories, I couldn't help but think of how blessed I am to have had Grandparents like Daniel and Catherine. I will miss them so much. 

Next time I will have more ministry news. And hopefully by then, allergy season won't be hurting me so bad.

- Daryl J. Howard

Monday, April 1, 2013

Coming Soon...

... new posts!

Sorry about the silence. Trying to put the events of this last month into words has shown itself harder than originally thought. 
But following the lead of one of Benjamin Franklin's 13 virtues, “SILENCE. Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation,” I hope to keep a bit more silent till I have my thoughts in order, instead of trying to post meaninglessly. 

Until I gather my thoughts...
Grace & Peace,
- Daryl J. Howard