Well, it's about time I posted about the Altoona mission/work trip. Meeting with the teens this weekend brought back many memories and laughs. Then it occurred to me that I never posted about the trip, or even posted at all over the last month. *Good grief* Obviously I can’t put everything that happened down here on the blog. But I’ll give you a brief overview, as well as share some pictures from the trip.
On July 28th, the Warren Center Baptist Church prayed over and commissioned the youth group before they were to head out to south-western Pennsylvania. 10 teens and 3 adults packed all their bags onto a small yellow bus for a week long service project that would involve serving people, sharing the love of Christ, fun, fellowship, and learning what God was trying to teach us.
The leadership for the youth group had decided to do this mission trip with a group called Team Effort. The ministry sets up camp locations around North America that give teens and leaders an opportunity to reach out to hurting communities situated around each area. With this being our first trip, we kept it simple and went to Team Efforts’ Blue Knob, PA location.
Our group of 13 was part of a larger group of 128 that would be divided out into different work sites. Out of all of the groups, ours had one of the shortest travel times, as some groups traveled from Vermont, New York, and even Florida. With a group this size, we were housed at the Blue Knob Resort. (Side note, when I think resort, I think Alyeska in Alaska) To all of our surprise the small back hill PA resort showed it’s age, and why we were going to be working in the areas surrounding the resort.
Each day was laid out fairly the same. The morning had us eating breakfast and packing lunches, then heading off to our work sites. Usually we would do start with stretches and a devotional, then dive into our projects. After a short lunch break, we would try to finish the days work that we had started before stopping for the day. Dinner was either at a host church, back at the resort, or on our own. If we were back at the resort, there was usually some time for the teens to relax and/or swim. The night was capped off with a high energy chapel service, as well as some time to hangout before lights out.During the week, the WCBC Youth Group and the Florida group were sent to “Shamrock Estates.” This was a trailer park that needed not just work done, but also a lot of love showered upon the residents that lived there. Our projects for the week consisted of building porches, roofing, building a playground, constructing picnic tables, finishing a playhouse, as well as various other projects. With this being the last week that Team Effort had for the summer, we were tasked to finish all the summer’s projects.
Most of our group worked on two different style projects. Pastor Larry led a group that finished porches, as well as did roofing and various projects. I was put in charge of finishing a playhouse that had been started by another group. Other leaders supervised other building projects that were going on.
The teens were hard workers, and were not afraid to learn how to use the different tools that were needed on each site.
While working on the playhouse, we were told the story of the little girl that would be receiving the playhouse. Her grandmother and mother shared how her father left the family, leaving the girl feeling like it was her fault. The playhouse was build after it was learned that the father had promised for years to build a playhouse for the girl and her sister. The teens got a first hand experience on how the love of Christ can be shared in tasks such as building a playhouse. Sadly, we didn't get to see her reaction to the playhouse, as she was away at camp for the week.
Thursday afternoon and Friday were used as free times. While all the other groups went off to water parks and recreational places, our group kept it simple and entertained ourselves. We spent a lot of time swimming and playing cards. The highlight for many of the teens came when a few of the girls came into the room where we were playing cards screaming that there was a bear outside on the dumpster.
The week wrapped up with us packing up and traveling home (Pastor Larry driving while the rest of us dozed on and off).![]() |
Typical scene on the bus... napping. |
Thank you all for your prayers during the trip. God was gracious in protecting us and blessing us during the trip. Continue to pray for the teens as another year of school and youth group has started up. Many of the teens have been challenged over the last year. And it is also a joy to see them all asking when the next mission trip is going to happen.
Grace & Peace,
Daryl J. Howard![]() |
I'm not trimming my beard... just trimming the window. |
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