Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Good morning from Alaska. It is evident that spring has set in and summer is fast approaching at Victory. Over the weekend, last remnants of ice broke up and melted off the lakes. Trumpeter swans, have taken residence in shallow lake; beavers scavenge the shores of Index lake; while the crisp morning silence is broken by the call of a lune. It's also a comfort to see the little death machines (mosquitos) have dwindled in numbers. The name may sound odd, but after you have been awoken out of your sleep by the high frequency hum of this tiny irritant, and as you watch a freshly swatted fiend rise back up to strike again, you start to give them fun nicknames.

One clear sign that summer camp is around the corner is the now pieced together dock at waterfront. Tuesday a group of us went down to waterfront and moved the dock pieces into the water. With many hands makes light work. This is true when it comes to the dock (if you have all the pieces), and moving hay in the barn.

One little interest of mine is pocket dumps, EDCs and knolling. Within the last year this has perked my interest. I blame my frequent visits to to starting this spark of interest. It was all because they mentioned knolling and I had no idea what it meant. What is knolling you may ask. Well, it is a form of organization and inventory. You put away what you are not using, then organize everything that you are using. I'm not OCD by the definition, but when doing a pocket dump or showing off an EDC (Every Day Carry), you can't help but knoll.

Pocket Dump: EDC 001

I've recently been digging into Paul's letters to the churches. It is interesting to see how the first church grew. Paul's corrections and affirmations in His letters show how each group of believers had to inventory and knoll what they believed and were practicing. This is true about where I am right now. As I have had to adjust to life and work in Alaska, I've had to leave behind and put away things that aren't important or pertinent to what I am doing, then inventory and put everything else in its' place. The experience isn't easy by any means. Though there are physical things that were left in PA and things that I am looking to dispose of right now, there are many spiritual and life plans that need to be sorted out and evaluated. I'm just blessed to have such a great group of believers around me that I can dialog with, and hear sound advice or get some much needed prayer. I shared on a podcast question of the week that this next year is going to be a defining year. This year is going to reshape who I am. I'm not sure where this life knolling is going to take me, but I'm sure God is enjoying looking at the EDC He is creating in me.

Grace & Peace,
Daryl J. Howard

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