I didn't see much of Whitehorse during lite hours. It was around 5:30am when I got up and started back on the road. I'm glad I got started early. The weather was wet and the weather cold. It was fitting for the road condition ahead. Friday was spent praying that my car would hold together as I headed toward the boarder. I can only describe the road as a road that has been repatched over and over, then heaved from frost, with potholes all over as the layers of patching crumble. You drive carefully and pray you don't break anything. An RV I met at a stop had met an ill fate in their first day, and helped them get their flat fixed. I made it to Glenallen by 3:30ish. Filled up and visited some friends at Alaska Bible College. The last stretch was the easiest and by far the most exciting. God was showing me that this is now home. This is where I belong now. The clock read just before 6:30pm when I rolled into camp. I was home. Story telling ensued and so did the fellowship. Tomorrow, I was going to be starting my internship.
The internship work has been a blast. Tiring but a blast. We spent the last two weekends at the fair promoting the camp and bragging on Jesus. It usually went from 10am-10pm. Plus the hour drive to get to the fair grounds. It made for long, but fun days. Most of my time has been spent going through a discipleship program here, as well as doing a few jobs here and there around the camp.
At this time I am working on my support and prayer letter that will be sent out in the next week or two. I can't wait to see what God is going to do here in Alaska, and how e can use me for His work. All ready I see many opportunities and projects that I can get involved in or already part of. This is going to be a journey, and you are part of it.
-Daryl J. Howard
-3 groups coming in to use facilities
-Insurance for myself and car
-Fair went well (amazing response)
-Got to follow up with some campers
-Safety in traveling
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