Thursday, September 3, 2009


A lot has been going on since camp ended in August. After camp ended in the first weeks of August, I finished up some work at Victory and made a sudden return to Pennsylvania. Many of you did not know I was returning so soon, and I am sorry for not getting word out efficiently. My return was supposed to be on September 9th, but was changed to early August with the opportunity of a year internship at Victory. My time home was only a little over a week. It was enough time to say hello and thanks to a few supporters, family and friends, and to pack for my move to Alaska. I wish I could have spent more time at home. There was so much that I wanted to tell everyone.
On the Monday the 17th at 7:25am, I departed from Pennsylvania on a what was estimated to a five day drive to Alaska. My first day was simple, as I have done the leg of the trip earlier in the summer. The goal was to make it to Madison, but shorted it to Janesville Wisconsin. Many people warned me of Chicago, and knowing how traffic and construction there is a nightmare, but God in His amazing timing had plans for me. I didn't know it, but I noticed the traffic was abnormally light. Clicking over to the radio I quickly found out that all government building were shut down to save the city money. So other than the traffic from a few games in the city and the airport, it was a fast pass through downtown. God's hand of protection was seen as the weather was extremely bad through Ohio. Many accidents, 40+ mph winds and a few close calls with fellow drivers on the road made for a lot of time of prayer and thankfulness.
Tuesday was a little hard, due to the extremely flat and straight roads. But I do have to admit, there were some amazing areas in which I wish I could stop to photograph. This leg took me from Janesville, WI to Portal North Dakota. A long day. Amazing scenery, and an interesting look of farming. I think it was around 11:45pm when I got into Portal, ND.
Wednesday I left Portal for what I had planned to be a long leg to Grande Prairie. Leaving at was 6:30am, turned to 5:30am after I crossed over into Canada. Edmonton was the hardest part, as I came upon a fresh crash in the city. Gas was a killer for most of this part of the trip. Seeing 85 cents a liter was a amazing. But when I found 1.25 a liter, it was more painful. The leg turned longer as I decided that I can make it to Forte Saint John to catch a hotel for the night. It would be long, but I decided that it needed to be my stop. It would make the next two legs easier, and give me a night to rest well. About this time I started t have leg problems again. Drumming for 5 to six days during the summer wasn't too bad. But with past knee injuries, I can't sit too long or I start to develop leg cramps, and if I sit too low and use my right leg on any type of pedal, drum or gas, I get shin splints. I learned how to sit at the drum properly, but in the car, unless it is a larger pickup or 16 passenger van, it is hard to sit at the right height. So by Forte Saint John, over 19 hours of driving later, I had to get out and sleep.
Thursday was another day of God's work. The goal was Whitehorse. I knew that the day before that all the motels were booked there. But letting God in control, I decided to just drive there and see what lay in store. The drive turned out to be the most beautiful of all. It held the most breathe taking views and the most nail biting roads. It is one drive I would recommend to anyone. After Fort Nelson, it is keep the camera going. But seeing I was solo, and having a goal to make, stopping was not a option. Whitehorse held the bad gut feeling of NO VACANCY. It seemed I picked to come into town the same night as the Prime Minister, plus a wave of RVs leaving Alaska. So with checking out seven places to stay, and being told everything is booked, I decided that I would have to A: (sleep in my car and suffer with terrible knee pains) or B: (make a makeshift shelter to sleep on the ground). I prayer to God for guidance and decided to drive outside town for a prospective crashing spot. I got the car started and a local came up to me. He had heard my dilemma and offered me a place to stay, his living room floor. Seeing how I had just prayed and all, I thought why not. So I took the offer. Locked up my car, prayed for protection over it, and followed the local to his place a block over. After chatting a few hours, I decided it was time to crash. It was then that I realized that yeah, I could probably die here, but I felt peace about it. Like this was where God had meant me to be for the night. be continued

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