Out of everything that God has allowed me to create during my time at Victory, there is one distinct project that stands out in my mind. This project still moves me as much as it did while in the creating process. The project was a video named
The other week, I tried to do a post involving the video. But since starting a draft of that post, then retyping it about five times before giving up, the video has been replaying in my head (I’ve also replayed it multiple times on my Mac and iPad). The process, thoughts and ideas that came together to put together such a mammoth project have been filling my thoughts for the last few weeks. So, just like many DVDs and every Blu-rays have thoughts and behind the scenes material and commentary by the directors... here is my commentary on Legacy.
It hard to pinpoint where to start. Just like any project of mine, it doesn’t begin with one clear idea. Instead, it is a culmination of a ideas that some how come together into a coherent project. It may not seem clear in the beginning, but somewhere in the process, the pieces started to become one unified project. This was the same with Legacy. Now, I don’t want to make this like a choose your own adventure. But just like my mind, this will not stay on a clear train of thought. Instead, think of it like a roller coaster of thoughts. Hopefully you can follow.
Caught your interest?
...check the rest after the jump.