Friday, May 31, 2013

New Looks

While producing this last newsletter, a few problems were encountered. The first being that of ink. With the large color photo header and other various colored photos that appear in different newsletters, ink seems to be running out much faster. Over the course of doing The HM Update, it has gone through it's phases. Ink doesn't seem to be getting any cheaper. So to save ink, there will be some changes to color.

The second problem is formatting. With a Mac, typically I use Pages to type and layout (amazing basic program from iLife). From there I print and export to PDF, which is then put online via Google Drive. In all of that, information seems to get distorted. With the resent requisition of Adobe CS6, this process will hopefully be streamlined.

My goal in changing up the print edition of the newsletter, is to experiment with design, layout, copy, etc. With doing PR for Victory, there will be many tasks. My goal is not to get stuck in a rut and reproduce the same thing over and over. I want to create something new and fresh, that solves problems that I am facing in producing the task. For example, the e-mail newsletter seemed to be missing something. It just didn't work for me. So, for those that get the e-mailed edition, they got to see a peek at an experiment with the new HTML formatted letter. This won't be how the print letter will look (as there is so much color to it). But for those staying with traditional post marked letters, I will be creating something special for you, to solve the problems I face, as well as freshen up the letter, and to stretch me abilities. Hope you will enjoy it in the future.

- Daryl

HM Update Edition 016


It's been too long since the last update was sent out. My deepest apologies to all of you for not keeping you in the loop as to what has been going on. Here is what you will find in this edition:

- State of Support
- Happenings since the last update
- The news from Victory
- Praises & Prayers
...and more

You can view and/or download  The HM Update Edition 016 right here.


- Daryl J. Howard

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Summer camp at Victory is right around the corner. Directors are finishing up schedules and curriculum for the anticipated arrival of summer staff. It feels weird not being back in Alaska for another summer. Usually I am in training or taking a little leave with some staff for a celebratory birthday mountain-high-brownie-pie at Glacier View. It's the simple things I miss. The views. The people. The ministry. The work. etc. etc. etc.

As I sweat it out here in the northeastern Pennsylvania heat, I can't help but be anxious for the time that God has planned for me to make the drive north to Alaska. But as reminded by Brian Headdings and Joel Ruisch, God has me here for a reason. I need to ask myself, "what is God teaching me?" There needs to be a constant conversation with God through prayer over what He wants me to do, and what He wants me to learn. ... I've been here for a year and a half, and I have learned a lot. God has been gracious in correcting me while I'm home, and not out serving.

So, instead of trying to go under the radar, only to have friends hunt down my birthday and go out for some mountain-high-brownie-pie, I'm going to take this May 29th to enjoy a nice dinner of wild caught Alaskan salmon, reflect on what God is trying to teach me while I am here, and have a conversation with Him.

I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.

Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed."
Habakkuk 2:1-3 (NLT)

Grace & Peace,
- Daryl J. Howard

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The HM Update Mailing

Edition 016 of The HM Update is going through a final edit, and with it comes the sending of this newsletter to you. There are three ways you can receive this newsletter.

- I love supporting my Postmen friends. So I still send out a good old fashion newsletter with stamped envelope. And who doesn't like receiving a letter in the mail.

- The modern way of receiving the next newsletter. Sent right to your inbox. No waiting. Read online or download to your personal computer. You can also print it if you want a physical copy to read or pass on. 

- Not interesting in being on the mailing/e-mailing lists? Welp, there is still one more option for you. Just keep visiting this blog and you will see a link posted with the newsletter post. Just like the e-mail, you can read online or download.

If you are interested in receiving The HM Update, feel free to e-mail me at with contact info, and I'll make sure to get you on the list.
With the next newsletter, I'll be trying a new mailing service for the e-mailed newsletter. If you are on the e-mail list, you'll see. I'm pretty excited to try this out and to see if this is something I want to experiment more with in the future. 

Well, back to editing. 

- Daryl J. Howard

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mid-May Update

May is already half-way gone? No way!

There is so much that has gone on during the month of May. God has been doing amazing works over the last few weeks. I want to share a few with you now, but hold others off till the next update letter (which so happens to be in it's final draft stages before printing).

Just yesterday Victory Ministries Director (Brian Headdings) met with me just to see how support raising was going, to catch me up on what is going on with camp, and to share visions of Victory in the future. It was a greatly needed morale booster. Keep Brian in your prayers as he continues to travel and returns to Victory next week.

Also, continue to keep Victory in prayer. There is a second waterline issue that they are attending to. This issue is effected the conference side of camp. Pray for strength and wisdom for the maintenance staff as they are working very long hours trying to alleviate this issue. On a positive note, work teams are starting to come in for the summer. This will help with the work load that isn't getting done because of the waterline issue.

Over the last week and a half, I've started to volunteer with a new ministry/business. The Community Cup Coffee & Tea House in Towanda, PA just officially opened up last week, and already it is a hit. The mission for this coffee house is to create a safe place for teens to come to, as well as a place to build community and a place for groups to meet. A local church helped spearhead this mission with the help of other local churches when they saw the need in the area. With no real espresso cafes and niche tea houses in the area, this was a great opportunity to create a small business with an outreach to the community. With the coffee skills and knowledge I have, I was asked by some pastor friends to look into volunteering while the fledgling business gets started. There have been so many opportunities to reach out and to strike up conversations with anyone coming in for a refreshing drink or snack.

Well, this is just a little look into what has been going on. Like I said before, I plan on posting some more in my letter, as well as after the letter is sent out. Along side the projects I'll be posting, there will be some other surprises and general "get to know" posts. I'll explain more later. But until then...

Grace & Peace,
Daryl J. Howard