Wednesday, February 20, 2013


There is an issue that plagues me. It's daydreaming. My mind cannot stop doing it. It is a problem that a friend of mine and I had a conversation about just the other day. But here I am again, plagued by my issue.

I'm trying to finish my next update letter for you. But for some odd reason, my mind can't stay in place (could be the caffeine from my coffee). Instead, my mind wanders to projects that I want to do, how to better improve my grammer that my mom constantly has to correct (bless her heart, she tries), maybe there is something I am forgetting to do... the list goes on. But the biggest issue is my work. Each time that I do something, I seek to make it bigger, more intricate, easier to work with, etc. Over the last year and a half that I have been trying to raise support, this mindset has become a big hinderance. Each time a door is shut or the reply is no, I seek to make everything I did up to that "no" better. As if there is something wrong with the material I've presented, how I said things, or even how I introduced myself. This isn't all bad. But instead of "going" like God has said, I keep trying to improve the wheel (can you make it any better?). Today, during a normal mind wandering bit, I decided to take this to God. And through our little talk (though it seemed like I was doing all the talking), God decided to reply through this: Taking the Initiative Against Daydreaming

I think it is funny that I have owned a copy of this devotional for years (I bought it at a library in Seward Alaska on a staff trip). But it seems that no matter how many times I read it, God has something for me to hear, when I need to hear it. This time, it was like a slap in the face. It's as if God is saying, "Stop kicking the tires, checking the pressures and making sure there is enough tread. Go. Get in the car and go where I have directed." Sometimes I'm not sure where He is directing. Alaska is where He wants me. How I get there is another story.

"Arise, let us go from here." - John 14:31 NKJV

Just thought I would put some thoughts down to share with you all. Give you a glimpse into the guy behind the blog.

- Daryl J. Howard

1 comment:

  1. Daryl,
    This is the same post I put up yesterday! It was Oswald Chambers devotional for 2/20. God's timing - need we say more. His way are not our ways, His thoughts are not out thoughts.

    Praying for you - Debbie Mock
