In light of the President's State of the Union address on all forms of public media, I have decided to make a public address on the state of my calling to serve with Victory Bible Camps & Conference Center. In comparison to the annual speech by the President, I'll outline the present condition of the ministry work I am doing, what my agenda is and the priorities that I plan on setting for the future.
Currently I am single, 27 and living with my parents. (This doesn't sound promising...)
In all seriousness, my current residence is with my parents in Northeastern Pennsylvania. Their living-room and my bedroom double as my office spaces for support raising and a satellite location for working on material for Victory. In my spare time, I've been helping with a local youth ministry named ROCC (Reaching Our Community for Christ), working with youth at Warren Center Baptist's youth group, and assisting local ministries with multimedia needs. With this extended time in Pennsylvania, God has blessed me with being able to spend time with family, reconnect with relatives I haven't seen in years, as well has help siblings move (which will happen again in the near future).
For the last 17 months, I have been raising support for Victory. Support sits at 19.6%, and will be taking another step up as I follow up with some contacts that have been made. Though the number may seem small, God has been gracious in connecting me with some dedicated individuals who are called in joining with the work Victory is doing in Alaska. Since starting to raise support, I have only returned to Victory once to assist with Victory's Alaska State Fair booth. Though the original goal was to be back to Victory by or near the end of the summer of 2012, support raising hasn't gone as fast or smoothly as Victory and I had hoped.
At this time, all work and support raising is on hold as my late 2006 MacBook Pro is in the shop getting repaired. God blessed me with this amazing piece of technology for over six years, and I've been happy to be able to do all He has blessed me with through it. I am not looking to buy a whole new computer, as in buying a new PC would mean customizing it and buying all new video/photo editing software, and buying a new Mac is not within the budget. So fixing has been the only option at this time.
The computer breaking has been less of a technical problem and more of a spiritual battle. New connects were being made, letters were going out, and new material was being created during the time of the issue. I can say that during this time without my Mac, there has been more time to dig into the Word of God, focus on changes God wants me to make in my life, and come to the realization that I was a little addicted to my Mac. Work is much harder to do on an iPad, of which I am typing on right now, and my graphic work is next to impossible to do on the iPad. But I am thankful that I am still able to stay connected with supporters and Victory.
Whenever the Mac is returned, support raising will commence. My goal is to try to be back to Victory before the end of 2013. There is so much to be done, and the need for someone in public relations is at its greatest right now. Many families will be headed out to the raise support or visit supporters. And without anyone at Victory helping to create material for them to distribute, the task has fallen to me. This task has it's limits, and they are magnified by the lack of my Mac and personally not being at Victory.
Victory has been going through a time of growth. The number of guest groups and the number of youth attending retreats have gone up. Even with the decline in camping within Alaska, God continues to bless Victory Bible Camps & Conference Center. God also has drawn many families and individuals to serve at Victory as well. Since the summer, Victory now has one full-time program director, as well as others filling in conference center roles. There are also many others joining in support raising in hopes of joining Victory in various other support roles. Thank God for what He is doing through Victory, and for allowing us to connect people of all ages to Him through the ministry of Christian camping and conference retreats.
I hope one day to be able to be at Victory and share this information with the many supporters and individuals that are connected with Victory. Much of this information isn't being heard, unless those on the staff at Victory are sharing it with their supporters. This is why the need of public relations staff at Victory is so important.
Over the last year, I have been told by many to stay in the area and use my gifts in multimedia and presentation. I've also had people tell me I should stay to work with youth in the area. In all honesty, working with youth was my dream when I first entered college. It was the reason I started studying youth ministry at Philadelphia Biblical University (now Cairn University). But during my time studying in college and working in Alaska, God directed me to what He would have me do. I've tried to walk away when I got frustrated. But in the end, God kept drawing me back to serving Him at Victory. It may seem logical to just not worry about raising support and take up a job doing video/photography and working with youth. But this would mean walking off the path God directed me on. I've walked away before. But as I have said, God has kept leading me back. Victory is where He wants me. And until God directs me elsewhere, my goal in this coming year is to keep striving in getting to where God wants to use me. Temporarily, it is here. But serving God in Alaska is the ultimate goal.
I wish I could share more, but I don't want to take up anymore of your time. Thank you for taking time to read this. Continue to pray that doors be open, and that God soften the hearts in the resistance I am facing. Also, thank God for those individuals that have shown interest and have joined in supporting Victory. Pray that God continue to provide for them as they support Victory. Again. Thank you for ready. Have a good night (morning, day or evening... depending on when you read this).
Grace & Peace,
Daryl J. Howard
P.S.- Sorry for any typos. I typed this up fairly quickly on an iPad. Kind of tricky.
P.S.- Sorry for any typos. I typed this up fairly quickly on an iPad. Kind of tricky.
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